93 results filtered with: Mead, Richard, 1673-1754
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A mechanical account of poisons in several essays / By Richard Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1702- Books
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A mechanical account of poisons in several essays / By Richard Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1736- Ephemera
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A certain cure for the bite of a mad dog / R. M.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: [1770?]- Books
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Opera, ad editiones Anglicas nuperrimas typis mandata ... / Anglica interpretatus est A.C. Lorry ... Cum figuris aenais.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1751- Books
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Authentic memoirs of the life of Richard Mead, M.D.
Maty, Matthew, 1718-1776.Date: 1755- Pictures
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An oval cartouche containing a dedication to Dr Richard Mead. Engraving by G. Vandergucht, 17--.
Van der Gucht, Gerard, 1696-1776.Date: 1 August 1781Reference: 571654i- Books
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Discourse on the smallpox and measles ... : To which is annexed, A treatise on the same diseases by the celebrated Arabian physician, Arubeker Rhazes. The whole translated into English, under the author's inspection / by Thomas Stack.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754Date: 1748- Books
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Bibliotheca Meadiana, sive catalogus librorum Richardi Mead, M.D., qui prostabunt venales sub hasta / apud Samuelem Baker. Londini, die lunæ 18vo Novembris, M.DCC.LIV. iterumque die lunæ, 7mo Aprilis, M.DCC.LV.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: [1754]- Books
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An historical account of a new method for extracting the foul air out of ships, etc. with the description and draught of the machines, by which it is performed: in two letters to a friend / by Samuel Sutton.
Sutton, Samuel.Date: 1749- Books
A discourse of the plague, wherein Dr. Mead's notions are consider'd and refuted. [-Part II. Wherein are consider'd the real causes of the plague, together with the method of prevention] / [George Pye].
Pye, George.Date: 1721- Books
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A mechanical account of poisons in several essays / By Richard Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1729- Books
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Opera omnia / Richardi Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1757- Books
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A treatise concerning the influence of the sun and moon upon human bodies, and the diseases thereby produced / by Richard Mead ... ; Translated from the Latin, under the author's inspection, by Thomas Stack.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1748- Books
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Monita et praecepta medica. Permultis notationibus et observationibus, illustrata / Auctore Clifton Wintringham.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754Date: 1773- Books
The medical works of Dr. Richard Mead / [Richard Mead].
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1765- Books
A discourse concerning the action of the sun and moon on animal bodies; and the influence which this may have in many diseases / By Richard Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1708- Books
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A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion, and the methods to be used to prevent it / By Richard Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1722- Books
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Of the power and influence of the sun and moon on humane bodies; and of the diseases that rise from thence / By Richard Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1712- Books
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Ad virum clarissimum Ric. Mead, M.D. epistola, varias lithontripticum Joannae Stephens, exhibendi methodos indicans / [David Hartley].
Hartley, David, 1705-1757.Date: 1751- Books
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Oratio anniversaria Harveiana: in Theatro Regii Medicorum Londinensium Collegii habita, ad diem XVIII Octobris, MDCCXXIII. Adjecta est Dissertatio de nummis quibusdam a Smyrnaeis in medicorum honorem percussis / [by E. Chishull].
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754Date: 1724- Books
Richardi Mead ... Opera medica figuris illustrata, ac variis mendis diligentissime expurgata ... / [Richard Mead].
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1752- Books
Medica sacra; or, a commentary on the most remarkable diseases mentioned in the Holy Scriptures / by Richard Mead ... ; Translated from the Latin, under the author's inspection, by Thomas Stack ... ; To which are prefixed, memoirs of the life and writings of the learned author.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1755- Books
A letter to Dr. Mead concerning some antiquities in Berkshire, particularly shewing that the White Horse, which gives name to the Vale, is a monument of the West-Saxons, made in memory of a great victory obtained over the Danes A.D. 871 / by Francis Wise.
Wise, Francis, 1695-1767.Date: 1738- Books
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De imperio solis ac lunæ in corpora humana, et morbis inde oriundis / Authore Richardo Mead.
Mead, Richard, 1673-1754.Date: 1704- Books
Myotomia reformata: or an anatomical treatise on the muscles of the human body ... To which is prefix'd an introduction concerning muscular motion / [William Cowper].
Cowper, William, 1666-1709.Date: 1724