30 results filtered with: Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699
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Natures explication and Helmont's vindication, or, A short and sure way to a long and sound life : being a necessary and full apology for chymical medicaments, and a vindication of their excellency against those unworthy reproaches cast on the art and its professors ... by Galenists, usually called Methodists ... / by George Starkey.
Starkey, George, 1627-1665Date: 1657- Books
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Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physiciae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam / authore, Ioanne Baptista van Helmont. Edente authoris filio, Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus praefatione ex Belgico translata.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1648- Books
Alphabeti verè naturalis Hebraici brevissima delineatio. Quae simul methodum suppeditat, juxta quam qui surdi nati sunt sic informari possunt, ut non alios saltem loquentes intelligant, sed et ipsi ad sermonis usum perveniant / In lucem edita à F.M.B. ab Helmont.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.Date: 1657, i.e. 1667- Books
Aufgang der Artzney-Kunst / Christian Knorr von Rosenroth ; mit Beiträgen von Walter Pagel und Friedhelm Kemp.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: [1971], ©1971- Books
The pardoxal [sic] discourses of M.F. van Helmont, concerning the macrocosm and microcosm: or, the greater and lesser world and their union / Set down in writing by J.B. and now published.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.Date: 1685- Books
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A ternary of paradoxes : the magnetick cure of wounds, nativity of tartar in wine, image of God in man / written originally by Joh. Bapt. Van Helmont and translated, illustrated and amplified by Walter Charleton.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644Date: [1650]- Books
Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physicae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam / ... Edente authoris filio, Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus praefatione ex Belgico translata.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1652- Books
Kurtze Vorstellung der zur edlen Chymie gehörigen Wissenschafft bestehend in CLIII Aphorismis oder kurtzen Sätzen, dahin alles, was zur Alchymie gehöret, gar füglich gezogen werden kan / Vormahls in lateinischer Sprache zu Amsterdām, von einem Liebhaber dieser Kunst sich Eremitam Suburbanum nennend [i.e. F.M. van Helmont], heraus gegeben. Ietzo aber der curieusen teutschen Welt zu dienste in dero Mutter-Sprache übersetzt, und also zum andernmahligem Druck befördert von D. David Kellnern.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.Date: [1699]- Books
Aufgang der Artzney-Kunst, das ist: noch nie erhörte Grund-Lehren von der Natur, zu einer neuen Beförderung der Artzney-Sachen, so wol die Kranckheiten zu vertreiben, als ein langes Leben zu erlangen / Geschrieben von Johann Baptista von Helmont ... ; Anitzo auf Beyrahten dessen Herrn Sohnes ... Francisci Mercurii Freyherrn von Helmont, in die hochteutsche Sprache übersetzet, in seine rechte Ordnung gebracht, mit Beyfügung dessen, was in der ersten auf Niederländisch gedruckten Edition, gennant Die Morgen-Röhte ... ; wie auch mit einem ehmals ausgelassenen Tractat von der grossen Krafft der Worte und Dinge, aus dem geschriebenen vermehret ... von allen ... Fehlern gereiniget, und mit deutlichen Anmerckungen ... erläutert. Samt einer neuen Vorrede, darinnen ein kurtzer Entwurff aller Helmontischen Kranckheiten und Artzneyen.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644Date: 1683- Books
Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physicae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam / ... Edente authoris filio, Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus praefatione ex Belgico translata.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644Date: 1655- Books
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Ortus medicinae, id est Initia physicae inaudita : progressus medicinae nouus, in morborum vltionem ad vitam longam / authore Ioan. Baptista Van Helmont ... ; edente authoris filio Francisco Mercurio Van Helmont ; cum eius praefatione ex Belgico translata.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1667- Books
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Trifertes Sagani, or immortal dissolvent. Being a ... discourse of the matter and manner of preparing the Liquor Alkahest of Helmont, the great Hilech of Paracelsus, the Sal Circulatum Minus of Ludovicus de Comit: or our fiery spirit of the four elements. Together with its use in preparing magisteries, arcanas, quintessences and other secret medicines of the adepts ... / By Cleidophorus Mystagogus [i.e W. Y-Worth].
Y-Worth, W. (William)Date: 1705- Books
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Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physicae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam... Edente authoris filio, Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus praefatione ex Belgico translata.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1652- Books
- Online
Aufgang der Artzney-Kunst, das ist: noch nie erhörte Grund-Lehren von der Natur, zu einer neuen Beförderung der Artzney-Sachen, so wol die Kranckheiten zu vertreiben, als ein langes Leben zu erlangen / Geschrieben von Johann Baptista von Helmont ... ; Anitzo auf Beyrahten dessen Herrn Sohnes ... Francisci Mercurii Freyherrn von Helmont, in die hochteutsche Sprache übersetzet, in seine rechte Ordnung gebracht, mit Beyfügung dessen, was in der ersten auf Niederländisch gedruckten Edition, gennant Die Morgen-Röhte ... ; wie auch mit einem ehmals ausgelassenen Tractat von der grossen Krafft der Worte und Dinge, aus dem geschriebenen vermehret ... von allen ... Fehlern gereiniget, und mit deutlichen Anmerckungen ... erläutert. Samt einer neuen Vorrede, darinnen ein kurtzer Entwurff aller Helmontischen Kranckheiten und Artzneyen.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1683- Books
- Online
The Divine Being and its attributes demonstrated : from the Holy Scriptures, and original nature of things. According to the principles of F.M.B. of Helmont. Written in Low-Dutch by Paulus Buchius Dr. of Physick, and translated into English by Philanglus.
Buchius, Paulus, 1657 or 1658-Date: 1693- Books
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Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physicae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam. Edente authoris filio, Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus praefatione ex Belgico translata. Nostra autem haec editio, emendatius multo, et auctius cum indice, rerum, et verborum loucupletissimo, prodit.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1651- Books
Seder olam sive ordo seculorum, historica enarratio doctrinae. [Quaestiones aliquot in Apocalypsin] / [Anon].
Date: [1693]- Books
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One hundred fifty three chymical aphorisms : briefly containing whatsoever belongs to the chymical science / done by the labour and study of Eremita Suburbanus, printed in Latin at Amsterdam, Octob. 1687 ; to which are added some other phylosophic canons or rules pertaining to the hermetick science ; made English and published ... by Chr. Packe.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699Date: 1688- Books
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Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physicae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam. Edente authoris filio, Francisco Mercurio van Helmont, cum ejus praefatione ex Belgico translata.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1655- Books
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Van Helmont's works : containing his most excellent philosophy, physick, chirurgery, anatomy : wherein the philosophy of the schools is examined, their errors refuted, and the whole body of physick reformed and rectified : being a new rise and progresse of philosophy and medicine, for the cure of diseases, and lengthening of life / made English by J.C.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644Date: 1664- Books
- Online
Seder olam sive ordo seculorum, historica enarratio doctrinae. [Quaestiones aliquot in Apocalypsin] / [Anon].
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.Date: 1693- Books
- Online
The Divine Being and its attributes philosophically demonstrated from the Holy Scriptures, and original nature of things : according to the principles of F.M.B. of Helmont / written in Low-Dutch by Paulus Buchius ... ; and translated into English by Philanglus.
Buchius, Paulus, 1657 or 1658-Date: 1693- Books
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The spirit of diseases, or, Diseases from the spirit : laid open in some observations concerning man and his diseases : wherein is shewed how much the mind influenceth the body in causing and curing of diseases : the whole deduced from certain and infallible principles of natural reason and experience / by Franciscus Mercurius, Baron of Helmont.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699Date: 1694- Books
- Online
Alphabeti verè naturalis Hebraici brevissima delineatio. Quae simul methodum suppeditat, juxta quam qui surdi nati sunt sic informari possunt, ut non alios saltem loquentes intelligant, sed et ipsi ad sermonis usum perveniant / In lucem edita à F.M.B. ab Helmont.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.Date: 1657- Books
- Online
An hundred and fifty-three chymical aphorisms : to which, what-ever relates to the science of chymistry may fitly be referred. / Done by the labour and study of a country hermite, and printed in Latin at Amsterdam, anno 1688.
Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699Date: 1690