15 results filtered with: Carter, John
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Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting, now remaining in this kingdom, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry ye Viii, consisting of statues, bassorelievos, brasses &c. paintings on glass and on walls &c. a description of each subject, so
Carter, John- E-books
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A practical English grammar, with exercises of bad spelling and bad English: or, a plain and easy guide to speaking and writing the English language with accuracy and correctness. Containing, I. Orthography; or the Nature of True Spelling, with the Sounds
Carter, John- E-books
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Remarks on a late publication entitled Observations on infant-sprinkling, by William Richards: in seven letters to that gentleman. By John Carter, Author of the Reviewer Reviewed
Carter, John- Books
Terence English / John Carter.
Carter, John.Date: 2001- E-books
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The character of the godly and faithful man. Represented in a sermon upon Psalm xii. I, preached upon the occasion of the death of Mr. John Glover. By John Carter
Carter, John- E-books
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The reviewer reviewed: or, a reply to the Rev. Mr. Richards's review of Strictures on infant baptism, In the Course of which some Thoughts are Delivered on Mr. Wilson's Scripture Manual. By John Carter, Author of those Strictures
Carter, JohnDate: [1781]- Audio
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Thalidomide oral history. Prejudice.
Date: 2013-2012- E-books
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Sermons upon several texts of scripture by John Carter, Rector of Easton And Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Rochford
Carter, John- E-books
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The scotch parents: or, the remarkable case of John Ramble, written by himself, (in the month of February, 1773) Embellished with elegant Copperplates of the singular and uncommon Scenes contained in this Narrative
Carter, John- E-books
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Alberta, a new tragedy. In five acts
Carter, John- E-books
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The complete English spelling dictionary, upon an entire new plan. In which all words of two or more syllables are so accented and divided, as to fix their proper sounds. With Easy Rules for attaining the true Pronunciation of all Words; by which Foreigne
Carter, John- E-books
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The constant couple; or, though out of sight, ne'er out of mind. A musical entertainment. As performed, with universal applause, at the Royalty Theatre. Composed by Mr. Carter
Carter, John- E-books
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Lasting approbation. A sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Walker, (relict of the late WM. Walker, Gent.) who departed this life Feb. 14, 1796, in the sixty first year of her age. By John Carter
Carter, John- E-books
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Short strictures on infant Baptism; being the substance of a discourse, lately delivered on that subject by John Carter. Published by Request
Carter, John- E-books
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Views of ancient buildings in England. Drawn in different tours and engrav'd by John Carter commencing 1764. ..
Carter, John