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69 results filtered with: Wives
  • Two women run towards a transit goods van to greet the driver who has avoided AIDS to be home with his wife (coloured version); an AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Ganesha and his two wives, Siddhi and Buddhi, surrounded by six attendants and his rats. Chromolithograph.
  • A drunken man sits at home with his family who must pawn their clothes to pay for his habit. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • A soldier returns and goes first to embrace his child, his wife in the background waves to remind him of her presence also. Wood engraving by Benedict after Berthold Woltze.
  • Hindu barber and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A Sikh soldier with his wife offering him betel leaves. Gouache drawing.
  • A convalescent soldier from Waterloo sitting with his wife and children. Engraving by G.T. Doo, 1847, after W. Mulready.
  • Husbands bringing their ugly wives to a windmill, to be transformed into beautiful ones. Engraving, ca 1650.
  • A fashionably dressed apothecary's wife. Coloured etching by M. Darly, 1774.
  • An Indian commandant: his wife handing him some betel leaves. Gouache drawing.
  • Bangle maker and his wife. Watercolour drawing.
  • A vicar prays for a dying usurer while his wife receives medical advice. Mezzotint by B. Clowes after W. Dawes, 1768.
  • A woman wearing a fine dress with pearls around her neck, a very elaborate hair style and beauty spots, checks her appearance in a mirror before going out to the new fashionable resort of the Pantheon in London. Mezzotint by P. Dawe, 1772.
  • Indian hunter and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of the Punjab, with his wife and child accompanied by his secondary wives. Gouache painting. Page 140.
  • Pandit Tudu and his wife. Gouache drawing.
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Coloured lithograph by Bouvier, 1830, after J. Steen.
  • A pregnant woman leading a donkey on which a discharged veteran, who has lost both his legs, is sitting carrying one of their children in a bucket. Etching with engraving by J. Caldwell after J. Collet, 1775.
  • A female figure book keeping; representing arithmetic. Engraving by J. Sadeler after M. de Vos.
  • A Sikh and his wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A man sits at home with his family and offers his wife a drink. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • Indian washerman and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A man sits at a table with playing cards and drink in hand, his wife threatens him as his playing partner makes his departure. Engraving by F. Basan after Dumesnil, junior.
  • Vishnu accompanied by his wives riding on Garuda who carries a cobra. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • Indian pastry chef and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Three Indian women dressed in saris sit together with the message that men deserve to go abroad to make money but to avoid foreign women to prevent the spread of AIDS in his own home; an AIDS prevention advertisement by NGO-AIDS Cell, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS. Colour lithograph by S. Ghosh for Unesco/Aidthi Workshop, March 1995.
  • A fashionably dressed apothecary's wife. Coloured etching by M. Darly, 1774.
  • Job lies on a pile of dung dressed in a loincloth and covered in boils, his wife goes to fetch a bucket of water. Woodcut.
  • A wife dutifully sits by the bedside of her sick husband, watching over him. Mezzotint by J.C. Bromley, 1837, after E. Prentis.
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Engraving by J. Boydell, c. 1760, after J. Steen.