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26 results filtered with: Staff of Aesculapius
  • Joseph von Berres. Lithograph by J. Kriehuber, 1833.
  • Above, a man studying the entrails of a cadaver as the microcosm, with the macrocosm behind; below, Hippocrates, holding the staff of Aesculapius, and Galen; bottom, instruments for anatomy and surgery. Engraving by A. Santvoort, ca. 1650.
  • A palatial building representing the Academia Caesareo-Leopoldina Naturae Curiosorum, surmounted by a coat of arms; two seated figures in the foreground. Engraving by J.G. Pintz, 17--.
  • Caspar Neumann. Line engraving by J.G. Wolffgang, 1734, after A. Pesne.
  • Temple of Aesculapius (in ruins), Isola Tiberina, Rome, Italy: the boat-shaped exterior with visible carved serpent and defaced head of Aesculapius. Photograph by Peter Johnston-Saint, 1929.
  • A sick man reclining on a couch, men gathering plants to cure him; a man holding a staff of Aesculapius in the background. Engraving, 1709.
  • A young woman as Hygieia (Health). Stipple engraving by C. Taylor, 1789, after S. Shelley.
  • The countries of Europe representing physicians and surgeons trying to regenerate a woman personifying the Dutch republic. Etching attributed to James Gillray, 1796, after David Hess.
  • A medallion of the head Aesculapius (?) in profile, with the staff of Aesculapius. Drawing.
  • Achievement of arms of Joseph Lister, Baron Lister. Watercolour.
  • John Radcliffe. Line engraving by B. Cole, 1754.
  • The Middlesex Hospital, London: in the foreground a patient is helped from his sickbed towards his welcoming family by a surgeon and his assistant. Etching after A. Mills.
  • Hygieia as a personification of hygiene: a woman holding up the palm of her hand on the left and holding the staff of Aesculapius on the right, with water in the background; advertising an exhibition in Düsseldorf on health and welfare. Colour lithograph after L. ten Hompel, 1926.
  • The planets and signs of the zodiac send down their influence on to the body of a man on earth; women representing nature (?) and medicine stand on the left, while scholars watch and dispute on the right. Engraving, 16--.
  • Aesculapius (Asklepios). Oil painting.
  • Above, portrait of Daniel Sennert in a roundel; centre, a man representing Experience holds the staff of Aesculapius and a lily, while a woman representing Reason holds a balance and a torch; below, Hippocrates and Hermes shake hands, representing the union of herbal and chemical medicine. Engraving by M. Merian, ca. 1631.
  • Aesculapius (Asklepios). Oil painting.
  • Hygieia, goddess of health, holding a pentacle and a staff encircled by a snake. Engraving by P. Galle, c. 1595.
  • Temple of Aesculapius (in ruins), Isola Tiberina, Rome, Italy: the boat-shaped exterior with visible carved serpent and defaced head of Aesculapius. Photograph by Peter Johnston-Saint, 1929.
  • A woman holding a rod encircled by a snake leads an invalid; representing medicine. Process print after a bas-relief by U.A. Ricci.
  • Aesculapius and other ancients are presented with exotic materia medica from the far east, which are turned into medicines in a pharmaceutical elaboratory. Oil painting by Johannes Prey, 1791.
  • A doctor (Melchior Sebisch the younger?) seated holding the staff of Aesculapius; a dog, a cockerel, an owl and a dragon next to him. Engraving, 1661.
  • The London Hospital, Whitechapel. Engraving, 1758.
  • Aesculapius (Asklepios). Oil painting.
  • Giuseppe Maria Saverio Bertini. Etching, 1752, after A. Selvi.
  • Aesculapius and Hygieia, with Hercules fighting the hydra; representing medicine. Watercolour painting.