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162 results filtered with: Skeleton
  • Skeleton: seen from the front. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • Bones: six figures, including skeleton seen from front and back, cross section and surface of a bone, and a hand and foot. Line engraving by Kirkwood & Sons, 1813.
  • A man and woman, semi-nude but bedecked with jewellery, accompanied by Death, are kneeling on a representation of the poor: in the background are factories with smoking chimneys. Lithograph after H. Schwaiger, ca. 1900.
  • Patients consulting an obese quack. Watercolour painting by T. Rowlandson, 1807.
  • A surgeon treating an irate patient's wounded leg in his surgery assisted by two attendants. Engraving.
  • A classical courtyard filled with natural philosophers, scientists and artists. Engraving after S. Le Clerc.
  • A doctor holding death at bay from his patient: illustrated by him squirting a syringe at a skeletal figure entering via the window. Line engraving by N. Goodnight, 1787, after S. Collings.
  • A ghostly skeleton trying to strangle a sick child; representing diphtheria. Watercolour by R. Cooper.
  • John Abernethy: certificate showing a skeleton and an écorché figure holding aloft a vignette of Galen finding a human skeleton. Sugar-ground etching by J. G. Strutt, before 1821.
  • A philosopher in his study, reading a book containing a print of a skeleton. Etching by J.A. von Prenner, 1728, after C. Paudiss.
  • A horse-drawn hearse pulls away from a doctor's; representing the dire state of the medical establishment according to James Morison, pill-vendor and self-styled 'Hygeian'. Lithograph, c. 1848.
  • A doctor holding death at bay from his patient: illustrated by him squirting a syringe at a skeletal figure entering via the window. Line engraving by N. Goodnight, 1787, after S. Collings.
  • Sebastiaan Egbertsz demonstrating skeletal anatomy to five syndics of the Surgeon's Guild of Amsterdam. Photogravure after W. Valckert, 1619.
  • Skeleton: side view, diagram showing the outlines of the bones. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • Skeleton: seen from behind. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • A fiddler falls over in fright at a skeleton. Etching by J. Neagle after C. Edgeworth, 1801.
  • Male skeleton seen from the front, with left arm extended: two figures (one, an outline drawing). Line engraving, ca. 1850.
  • Napoleon climbing a headless skeleton trying to reach an unattainable crown; representing his imperial ambitions for France and his own for sovereignty. Coloured etching, 1803.
  • Male skeleton seen from behind, with left arm extended: two figures (one an outline drawing). Line engraving, ca. 1850.
  • A professor asking a medical student his prognosis for a particular case. Coloured process print, 1900.
  • Roderick Random (a licentiate from Scotland) facing a board of medical examiners at Surgeons Hall. Coloured aquatint by J. Stadler, 1800, after S. Collings after T. Smollett.
  • An aged anatomist selecting his dissection instrument while a young woman tries to warn that his subject is alive. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • Traité d'ostéologie, traduit de l'anglois de M. Monro, professeur d'anatomie, et de la Société Royale d'Edimbourg: où l'on a ajouté des planches en taille-douce, qui représentent au naturel tous les os de l'adulte et du foetus, avec leurs explications / Par M. Sue, professeur & démonstrateur d'anatomie aux Ecoles Royales de Chirurgie.
  • A winged figure of Death stands in front of a prostrate skeleton and tears out the pages of a book while a crowd of people watch him. Etching by Marco Dente (Marco da Ravenna) after Baccio Bandinelli.
  • A skeleton of a new born child with deformed hips who died of asphyxia in birth. Collotype by Römmler & Jonas after a radiograph made for G. Leopold and Th. Leisewitz, 1908.
  • Skeleton: illustration of the pelvis, spine and ribcage, seen from behind. Etching, ca. 1871.
  • Skeleton: side view. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • Skeleton: side view. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • An anatomical dissection taking place in a hall decorated with musclemen and human and animal skeletons in niches. Engraving with etching, 1685.
  • The Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London: the interior of the Hunterian Museum. Coloured engraving by E. Radclyffe after T. H. Shepherd.