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53 results filtered with: Medicine - Early works to 1800
  • A surgeon setting a leg with the aid of three assistants, observed by onlookers, in front of walls on which various surgical instruments are arranged. Engraving by Jacob van Meurs, 1657.
  • Ḥeleḳ riʼshon [shelishi] mispar ha-ʻolamot o maʻaśeh ṭoviyah / [Tobias Cohen].
  • Ancient anatomists in discussion around a cadaver. Engraving by G. Appelmans, 1674.
  • The Fasciculo di medicina, Venice, 1493 / with an introduction etc., by Charles Singer.
  • Ḥeleḳ riʼshon [shelishi] mispar ha-ʻolamot o maʻaśeh ṭoviyah / [Tobias Cohen].
  • A man standing, anterior view with brain and contents of thorax and abdomen exposed. Engraving by Giulio de' Musi, by 1552, first published in 1714.
  • The works of Aristotle : in four parts. Containing I. His complete master-piece ... II. His complete and experienced midwife ... III. His book of problems ... IV. HIs last legacy / [Aristotle].
  • An anatomical dissection taking place in a hall decorated with musclemen and human and animal skeletons in niches. Engraving with etching, 1685.
  • Frederici Dekkers ... Exercitationes practicae circa medendi methodum, auctoritate, ratione, observationibusve plurimis confirmatae ac figuris illustratae ... / Editio altera priori duplò auctior.
  • Friderici Hoffmanni consiliarii regis Borussiae intimi, et archiatri ... Opera omnia physico-medica denuò revisa, correcta et aucta, in sex tomos distributa, quibus continentur doctrinae solidis principiis physico-mechanicis, et anatomicis, atque etiam observationibus clinico-practicis superstructae. Methodo facili ac demonstrativa deductae, & per experientiam LVII. annorum stabilitae : Cum vita auctoris [by J. H. Schultze] et ejus praefatione de differente medicinae et medicorum statu. Atque conditione, & criteriis boni ac periti medici / [Friedrich Hoffmann].
  • Two doctors fight over which method to use on a patient; dramatising the conflict between allopathy and homoeopathy. Coloured wood engraving.
  • The elements of medicine / Translated from the Latin, with comments and illustrations, by the author.
  • Ḥeleḳ riʼshon [shelishi] mispar ha-ʻolamot o maʻaśeh ṭoviyah / [Tobias Cohen].
  • Ḥeleḳ riʼshon [shelishi] mispar ha-ʻolamot o maʻaśeh ṭoviyah / [Tobias Cohen].
  • Thomæ Sydenham medici doctoris, ac practici Londinensis celeberrimii, Opera medica / [Thomas Sydenham].
  • Disputationes ad morborum historiam et curationem facientes / quas collegit, edidit et recensuit Albertus Hallerus.
  • The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children / newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
  • Johannes Vesling, seated below a swag of surgical instruments, indicates illustrations of the heart in a book displayed by a skeletal corpse. Engraving 1666.
  • Two female figures standing on either side of drapery bearing the title of Vesling's Syntagma anatomicum: beyond, the anatomy theatre of the University of Padua. Engraving by Giovanni Georgi, 1647.
  • Surgical instruments laid out on a table, for use in cataract and hernia operations during the mid 1500s, with two men in 16th century dress standing behind it. Colour facsimile process print after a 16th century manuscript, 1925.
  • Opera omnia, sive ars medicinalis. In qua cuncta quae ad humani corporis valetudinem praesentem tuendam, et absentem reuocandam pertinent, methodo exactissima explicantur / Quae per Vidum Vidium iuniorem diligentissime recognita, ac multis, quae ad eam perficiendam desiderabantur, partibus aucta, diuque expetita, nunc primum in Germaniâ tota simul luci data, tribusque tomis, quorum contenta altera exhibet pagina, comprehensa ; cum indicibus selectiorum accuratissimis.
  • Opera omnia. Nitidius, quam unquam hactenus edita, plurimum emendata, indicibus rerum copiosissimis, ac distinctione characterum exornata / Studio et opera Gerardi Blasii.
  • Pierre Dionis lecturing on surgery at the Saint-Côme lecture theatre in Paris. Engraving by Jean-Baptiste Scotin the younger, 1707.
  • An anatomical dissection by Pieter Pauw in the Leiden anatomy theatre. Engraving by Andries Stock after a drawing by Jacques de Gheyn II, 1615.
  • Frederici Dekkers ... Exercitationes practicae circa medendi methodum, auctoritate, ratione, observationibusve plurimis confirmatae ac figuris illustratae ... / Editio altera priori duplò auctior.
  • Physicians, representing the Holy League against the Turks, gather around the sick sultan; representing the Peace of Karlowitz. Etching by G.M. Mitelli, ca. 1700.
  • The Fasciculo di medicina, Venice, 1493 / with an introduction etc., by Charles Singer.
  • Feldbuch der Wundarznei / Mit einem Vorwort zum Neudruck von Johannes Steudel.
  • Pierre Dionis lecturing on surgery at the Saint-Côme lecture theatre in Paris. Engraving by Jean-Baptiste Scotin the younger, 1707.
  • Of the reconcileableness of specifick medicines to the corpuscular philosophy. To which is annexed a discourse about the advantages of the use of simple medicines / by Robert Boyle.