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11 results filtered with: MEDICAL TIMES GAZETTE
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Suicidal Melancholy"
  • The Medical Times and Gazette, "Religious Melancholy"
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Religious Mania".
  • "Insanity supervening on habits of intemperance".
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Religious Mania, convalescence".
  • Med.Times Gazette, "Religious Melancholia and Convalescence"
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Melancholy".
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Melancholy passing into Mania"
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Puerperal mania in four stages".
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Chronic Mania".
  • Medical Times Gazette, "Senile Dementia".