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43 results filtered with: Leprosy - Patients
  • A queen or empress administering a healing balm to a person with leprosy (?). Photograph of a wallpainting in the chapel in Eton College.
  • Poor Henry consults a doctor in Salerno about his leprosy: they sit opposite each other in the doctor's study while the doctor explains his remedy. Aquatint by F. Hegi, 1810.
  • The Lock Hospital, Southwark: the chapel, and below, a detail of the plaque over the door. Etching after Whichelo, 1813.
  • A man with leprosy in Prapatoom (?). Watercolour by Edith M Hinchley, 1905.
  • Dichpali, Hyderabad: Dr Isabel Kerr vaccinating a child in the leprosy hospital. Photograph by G.M. Kerr, 1926.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: female patients outside a long grass-roofed shelter. Photograph, 1921.
  • Knightsbridge Chapel: above, the interior, below a vignette of the exterior, with three details of carved inscriptions. Engraving by B. Howlett after R. B. Schnebbelie, 1818.
  • Ten people with leprosy (with warning clappers) approach Christ the healer. Etching.
  • Dichpali, Hyderabad: doctors treating leprosy patients in one of the hospital wards. Photograph by R. Howett, 19--.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: three male patients who have been treated with injections of chaulmoogra oil. Photograph, 1921.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: a man and a woman with leprosy. Photograph, 1921.
  • South India: boys and young men with leprosy making brass and copper utensils. Photograph by R. Howett, 19--.
  • Lazarus prays as his sores are licked by dogs; Dives feasts on his balcony. Woodcut.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: children outside the grass-roofed temporary school for uninfected children of leprosy patients. Photograph, 1921.
  • A boy with leprosy sleeping, and holding a kite: three figures. Colour lithograph by Kogyi, 1949.
  • Christ cures ten people with leprosy. Woodcut.
  • Christ healing a man of leprosy. Woodcut, 1571, after Jost Amman.
  • Stoner Village, Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: patients in a street lined with wooden houses. Photograph, 1921.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: a group of patients outside the temporary grass-roofed chapel; the asylum overseer's house to one side. Photograph, 1921.
  • Rangoon Leper Colony, Burma: six boys suffering from leprosy; some wearing bandages. Photograph by Merl La Voy.
  • The left forearm of Sir George Turner (?), showing symptoms of leprosy. Colour photograph, 19--.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: a group of male patients. Photograph, 1921.
  • Saint Adalard of Corbie giving alms to people with leprosy. Line block after H. Burgkmair.
  • Sir George Turner. Colour photograph, 19--.
  • Christ cures a man of leprosy; an apostle holds a garment in front of him. Woodcut.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: two patients being treated by a doctor who injects one with chaulmoogra oil. Photograph, 1921.
  • Foochow, China: four people with leprosy, wearing thick clothing, standing outside a wooden hut. Photograph by J. Thomson, 1873.
  • The Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace, London. Engraving by W. Wise after R. B. Schnebbelie, 1816.
  • Christ healing a man of leprosy. Woodcut, 1571, after Jost Amman.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: a woman with leprosy standing next to her uninfected adult daughter. Photograph, 1921.