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23 results filtered with: Clinics
  • Eastman Dental Hospital, London: view of the facade. Process print, 1926.
  • Royal Free Hospital, London: the interior of the post-mortem room in the pathological block. Process print, 1913.
  • Institute of Medical Psychology, London: the laboratory and a consulting room. Process print, 192-.
  • Eastman Dental Hospital, London: view of the entrance hall. Process print, 1926.
  • St. Marylebone dispensary, Welbeck Street, London. Sepia photo-lithograph after A. B. Pite, 1892.
  • Eastman Dental Hospital, London: the waiting room. Process print, 1926.
  • A pregnant woman receiving advice at a clinic: The Bauchi State Mothercare Project in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Bauchi State Mothercare Project, ca. 1994.
  • Queen Adelaide's Dispensary, Bethnal Green. Wood engraving by O. Jewitt after himself [1865].
  • Royal Free Hospital, London: the interior of the out-patients' waiting hall. Process print, 1913.
  • The new Cripples' Clinic, Leek, Staffordshire: three-quarter view of the building. Process print.
  • Royal Free Hospital, London: three-quarter view of the casualty block. Process print, 1913.
  • Institute of Medical Psychology, London: the waiting room. Process print, 1929.
  • Eastman Dental Hospital, London: a view of the staircase. Process print, 1926.
  • The face of a woman half obscured by the vertical lettering Lafla Klinikken; an advertisement for a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV in Oslo. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A doctor holding a roll of paper bearing the slogan 'Know AIDS for No AIDS' next to a nurse holding a pen in a health clinic with an HIV/AIDS prevention poster in the background. Colour lithograph, ca. 1998.
  • A parade of wretched, smallpocked people walk away from a doctor who counts his money. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Royal Free Hospital, London: the interior of the maternity ward. Process print, 1913.
  • St. Paul's eye hospital, Liverpool, the extension: three-quarter view. Process print, 1933.
  • Sherwood Park Spa, Tunbridge Wells: perspective of the concert hall and treatment block. Process print, 1932.
  • A physician bleeding a patient, other patients are waiting to see him; two erotes depicted on the shoulder of the vessel. Gouache painting by S.W. Kelly, ca. 1937.
  • Royal Free Hospital, London: the interior of the museum in the pathological block. Process print, 1913.
  • Dice representing gambling with health; an advertisement for the Genito Urinary Medicine Clinic (GUM) for treatment and advice on sexually transmitted diseases like Aids by The Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland. Colour lithograph.
  • The Medical Board building, Great Charlotte Street, Southwark, London. Woodcut with text.