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209 results filtered with: Chemistry
  • Chemistry: various furnaces. Engraving by A.J. Defehrt after L.J. Goussier.
  • A young man blowing a bellows, while an alchemist, chemist or goldsmith watches through spectacles. Engraving by C. Guttenberg after F. van Mieris.
  • Anniversary dinner : The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool : Thursday April 13th 1961 at 7.30 for 8 p.m. : the president Sir Alexander Todd, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. in the chair / the Chemical Society.
  • Chemistry: plan and section of two blast furnaces. Engraving by W. Lowry, 1804, after D. Mushet.
  • The Académie des Sciences et des Beaux Arts, Paris: showing various methods of study and teaching with a lettered key. Line engraving.
  • Emblem representing the path to the philosopher's stone in alchemy. Etching by Defehrt, 1768, after L.-J. Goussier, after the frontispiece to a 17th century book by Libavius.
  • Mr. Pearsall's lectures and visits, (as agent and lecturer to the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes).
  • Betr.: Calcium glyc. phosporic.
  • Interior of a pharmaceutical laboratory behind a shop, with people at work, the shop is visible through a doorway. Engraving, 1747.
  • Dinner in honor of Sir William Henry Perkin by his American friends to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his discovery of the dyestuff mauve on Saturday, the sixth of October one thousand, nine hundred and six at Delmonico's.
  • An alchemist in his laboratory with his family: to the right they are shown calling at the poorhouse, destitute after the husband's failed experiments. Engraving after P. Bruegel, ca. 1558.
  • The life and letters of Joseph Black, M.D. / by William Ramsay ; with an introduction dealing with the life and work of Sir William Ramsay by F.G. Donnan.
  • M0011243: International table of Atomic weights
  • A chemical lecture at the Surrey Institution. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson after his drawing, 1809.
  • Chemistry: weighing apparatus (top), evacuated [?] glass bulb for combustion with sunlight (below). Coloured engraving by J. Pass, 1801, after H. Lascelles.
  • Chemistry: various crystalline substances. Engraving by Prevost after L.J. Goussier.
  • D.O.M.A. Alchymia Andreae Libavii, recognita, emendata, et aucta, tum dogmatibus et experimentis nonnullis; tum commentario medico physico-chymico: qui exornatus est variis instrumentorum chymicorum picturis; partim aliunde translatis, partim planè novis ... : praemissa defensione artis opposita censurae Parisianae.
  • D.O.M.A. Alchymia Andreae Libavii, recognita, emendata, et aucta, tum dogmatibus et experimentis nonnullis; tum commentario medico physico-chymico: qui exornatus est variis instrumentorum chymicorum picturis; partim aliunde translatis, partim planè novis ... : praemissa defensione artis opposita censurae Parisianae.
  • We offer you the products of skilled chemistry in our own laboratories... /cManchester Chemical Co. Ltd.
  • A young man blowing a bellows, while an alchemist, chemist or goldsmith watches through spectacles. Engraving by C. Guttenberg after F. van Mieris.
  • Chemistry: a large vessel for distillation, on a furnace. Woodcut after M. Augusti.
  • Chemistry: an industrial distillery, in Scotland (?). Engraving, early 19th century.
  • Chemistry: various vessels for distillation. Engraving by Prevost after L.J. Goussier.
  • Program of annual conclave at Yale University : New Haven, Connecticut, March 28, 1927 / American Institute of Chemists.
  • M0011823: Reproduction of a woodcut depicting the preparation of nitric acid originally from a manuscript dedicated to Count Frederich I von Brandenburg in the National Museum, Nuremberg
  • Cross-sections of a furnace used in the processing of antimony. Engraving by Wilson Lowry, 1802.
  • A man in the foreground conducts an alchemical experiment with an alembic; in the background a female figure representing the world looks at a chemist, who prepares an oxygen experiment with a glass jar and a candle; representing the historical transition from alchemy to chemistry. Stipple engraving by J. Chapman, 1805, after R. Corbould.
  • Chemistry. Oil painting.
  • Experiments and observations on different kinds of air, and other branches of natural philosophy, connected with the subject ... / being the former six volumes abridged and methodized, with many additions. By Joseph Priestley.
  • Chemistry: various crystalline substances. Coloured engraving.