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386 results filtered with: Characters and characteristics
  • Four heads of birds: a swan, a polyphemus, a wild duck and a pelican. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Richard Dickinson, an eccentric who imagines himself a wealthy king, from Scarborough. Engraving by Clark after H. Hysing.
  • A woman whose physiognomy expresses (according to Lavater) weakness, affectation and languor. Engraving by Barlow, 19th century, after J.M. Schmutzer.
  • Colly Molly Puff, carrying a basket, perhaps of food. Engraving by W.J. Taylor, after M. Laroon.
  • The death mask of Charles Talleyrand, the French statesman. Lithograph, c. 1860, after M. Krantz.
  • Plato. Drawing after Raphael, ca. 1793.
  • A face expressing ardent attention. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Raphael: portrait. Drawing, c. 1791.
  • Christ talking to two men who, according to Lavater, show physiognomic traits of 'sensuality'. Drawing, c. 1789, after H. Holbein.
  • Head of a stag. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Saint Cecilia, a bishop, Saint John and Saint Paul. Drawing, c. 1794, after Raphael.
  • Charles de Valois, Duke of Angoulême. Drawing, c. 1793, after J. Morin.
  • A profile of a man interpreted by Lavater to be indolent, idle, and a drunkard. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Augustus Caesar: profile. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • A Roman soldier throws a javelin over a dead body. Drawing, c. 1793.
  • A characterful lady who looks after dogs. Engraving.
  • A woman weeping over her dead lover. Drawing, c. 1793.
  • Three perspectives of a skull sectioned and labelled according to an unorthodox system of phrenology. Pen drawing, 18--.
  • Eight likenesses of Socrates. Two drawings, c. 1789.
  • Profile of a man displaying a choleric temperament. Drawing, c. 1792.
  • Four physiognomies. Drawings, c. 1789.
  • A woman in a state of attention without interest. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • Twelve mouths. Drawing, c. 1793.
  • Four physiognomies. Drawings, c. 1789.
  • René Descartes: portrait. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Idealized profile of Martha Hess, exemplifying Lavater's principle of the homogeneity of the face. Drawing, c. 1791, after J.H. Füssli.
  • Four heads of boys. Drawing, c. 1793.
  • Eyes expressing extreme emotion, from coldness to rage. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • A phrenologist examines two skulls from his collection. Reproduction of an etching by H. Daumier.
  • Death mask of Martin, a parricide. Lithograph, c. 1835.