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98 results filtered with: Anemia - drug therapy
  • Amenorrea? Embarazo? Respuesta en 48 horas con Di-Pro oleoso ... : El gestágeno oral puro y completo ... Gestanon ... / Organon.
  • Hepacupryl.
  • The Queen's gift.
  • Perhepar Vitaminado Ingerible Richter ... / Gedeon Richter (América), S.A.
  • What the Princess (afterwards Queen) Victoria said to her governess. : "I see I am nearer the throne than I thought. Now, many a child would boast; but they don't know the difficulty. There is much splendour, but there is more responsibility." and the Princess gave me her hand, saying, "I will be good." Baroness Lehzen, the Queen's governess.
  • Perheplex Fólico / Gedeon Richter (América), S.A.
  • En los estados febriles, en las enfermedades infecciosas y en los casos quirurgicos : Labramino Labrápia ... / Productos Labrápia de Cuba S.A.
  • Drug advertising ephemera. Box 18.
  • For the oral treatment of primary and secondary anaemias 'Pulvules' 'Lextron' brand : liver stomach concentrate with ferric iron and Vitamin B Compex.
  • Alcachol ... : Serocytine : anemias, clorosis, neurastenia, pretuberculosis ... / Laboratoires J. Combefreyroux ; agentes para Cuba Brunschwig & Co.
  • Léciferrine : therapeutique ferrugineus (ni styptique. ni indigeste).
  • Glaxo brief : a few minutes reading from Glaxo.
  • Beecham's music portfolio. No. 141, Best of friends must part.
  • Glaxo brief : a few minutes reading from Glaxo.
  • Glaxo brief : a few minutes reading from Glaxo.
  • Pourquoi prescrire l'Anabolhemine dans l'anémie? : parce que l'Anabolhémine respecte les impératifs d'une thérapeutique anti-anémique complète et correcte de toutes les anemies.
  • Léciferrine : therapeutique ferrugineus (ni styptique. ni indigeste).
  • Pourquoi prescrire l'Anabolhemine dans l'anémie? : parce que l'Anabolhémine respecte les impératifs d'une thérapeutique anti-anémique complète et correcte de toutes les anemies.
  • Products of repute : Idozan : Gynomin : Valerian Dragées.
  • Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives health and sunny hours / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Recete Plastules Hematógenas / Wyeth International Limited.
  • Dramamine brand of dimenhydrinate : Norblastín : B12 + acido folico, dos factores importantes en la terapéutica de las anemias megaloblásticas / Searle.
  • Alcachol ... : Serocytine : anemias, clorosis, neurastenia, pretuberculosis ... / Laboratoires J. Combefreyroux ; Brunschwig & Co.
  • Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, stimulates the vital functions, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Ahora tambien en cápsulas, Bepermina antihelmintico : La calidad tradicional del Campolon + hierro y alta concentración vitamínica : Campolon Compuesto (en capsulas) hepatovitaminoterapia de las anemias / Winthrop.
  • Perhepar Vitaminado Ingerible Richter ... / Gedeon Richter (América), S.A.
  • Biológicamente controlados Perhepar : tónicos de Richter ... / Gedeon Richter (América), S.A.
  • Glaxo brief : a few minutes reading from Glaxo.
  • Phytin "CIBA" : A powerful nerve & general tonic / Clayton Aniline Co. Ltd.
  • Terapia eficaz en la hipertensión ... Panlittol "Armour"... : Alimentando la sangre y el sistema nervoso ... Meduphites Glanules / The Armour Laboratories.