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1,885 results filtered with: AIDS
  • Compilation of newspaper cuttings including a group of protestors bearing banners, one in red with the slogan: 'AIDS in education - Don't pull out''; an advertisement for the campaign Act Up Manchester in support of care for those with AIDS. Black and white photocopy with red.
  • 'Stop AIDS' campaign poster
  • Frankie Alston, an HIV positive woman, sits with one knee up on a bench looking out to sea; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Black and white lithograph.
  • A middle-aged woman in glasses with her arms crossed, a statue of Christ in the background and a warning about the problem of AIDS and hispanics; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Black and white lithograph.
  • Protection from love. Let us give AIDS no chance
  • People chatting against a wall bearing graffiti of the skeletal figure of death reaching out to them with clawed hands; an advertisement for the New York City Department of Health AIDS Information helpline.
  • Stop AIDS campaign poster
  • Ways in which you cannot catch the HIV virus from working, living or looking after someone who has HIV; one of a series of fact sheets about AIDS and HIV.
  • AIDS counselling services
  • Calendar for the year 1994 by Thai Red Cross
  • 'Stop AIDS' campaign poster
  • A tick list of ways you can and can't get the AIDS virus from handshakes to sharing drug needles with details of the AIDS Hotline number in Oahu in Tongan. Colour lithograph.
  • A circular crossed plate (?) incorporating indigenous symbols including a feather, a pipe, a polar bear and stones above a pot of flames; advertisement for the Urban Aboriginal AIDS Awareness program for the National AIDS Strategy supported by Health Canada. Colour lithograph by Julie Simoa.
  • A naked man drapes a kimono around the shoulders of another man within an oriental decorative red border incorporating flowers; advertisement for Kimono Condoms and safe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by Mark I. Chester.
  • An anti-AIDS poster produced by Artis
  • A square with the message "Le SIDA ..."
  • A native American woman holding a baby over her shoulder against a graphic backdrop representing an advertisement for the Native American Women's Health Education Reource Center in South Dakota. Colour lithograph.
  • Instructions and diagrams on how to use a condom
  • AIDS prevention by The Hot Rubber Company
  • advertisement for safe gay sex by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz
  • Lectures on AIDS in Berlin, 1997, with the Vitruvian man. Colour lithograph, 1996 or 1997.
  • AIDS prevention advertisement for safe sex
  • advertisement for safer hard sex by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz
  • People in dressing gowns crossing their arms to join hands with each other representing patients with AIDS; a public service message about the need to know about AIDS by the National Association of Social Workers. Colour lithograph.
  • counseling services of the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam
  • A couple hold up a cake lit with candles bearing the words 'Happy Anniversary'; advertisement for the support provided by the London Lighthouse centre for those affected by HIV and AIDS. Black and white lithograph.
  • A woman sits smiling between two men with an interview about how to deal with your friends getting AIDS; advertisement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Black and white lithograph.
  • Use condoms to avoid AIDS
  • AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Delegationen.
  • AIDS prevention advert for safe sex