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85 results filtered with: Certificates
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • Pedigree certificate : reared on Stamina dog foods / Stamina Foods Ltd.
  • Benbow's dog mixture : purifies the blood, produces a smooth and healthy appearance in their coats... / Benbow's Dog Mixture Co.
  • Qualification to practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery : I ... president of the Royal College of Physicians of London, with the consent of the fellows of the same college, have, under the authority given to us by Royal Charter and Act of Parliament, granted to ... who has satisfied the College of his proficiency, our licence under the said charter to practise physic including therein the practise of medicine, surgery, and midwifery ...
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • Band of Help in connection with the Birmingham & District Cripples Union.
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • Diploma approbationis in clinica : Universis, et singulis praesentes litteras visuris, lecturis, et audituris, salutem in domino ...
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • To thine own self be true : I promise by the help of GOD, for my own sake, and as an example to others, to abstain from the use of Tobacco in every form, until I am at least 21 years of age... / The Primitive Methodist Anti-Cigarette League.
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • [Proficiency voucher issued by the British Red Cross Society in March 1935 certifying proficiency in first aid].
  • These are to certify that ... hath ... attended ... courses of my anatomical and chirurgical lectures : London ... 17... / William Hunter.
  • Certificate of merit / Royal Veterinary College.
  • We, the court of examiners, chosen and appointed by the master, wardens and assistants of the Society of the Art and Mystery of Apothecaries of the City of London in pursuance of a certain Act of Parliament passed in the 55th year of the reign of his majesty King George the third entitled an Act for the better regulating the practice of apothecaries throughout England and Wales, do hereby by virtue of the power & authority invested by the said Act certify that ... has been by us carefully and deliberately examined as to his skills & abilities in the science & practice of medicine ... duly qualified as an apothecary.
  • Dog Licence : 7s. 6d. (not transferable).
  • Qualification to practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery : I ... president of the Royal College of Physicians of London, with the consent of the fellows of the same college, have, under the authority given to us by Royal Charter and Act of Parliament, granted to ... who has satisfied the College of his proficiency, our licence under the said charter to practise physic including therein the practise of medicine, surgery, and midwifery.
  • The Virgin of Loreto with a piece of the actual veil with which it was covered on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday of an unspecified year; attached with a paper seal. Woodcut with attached cloth.
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • Feathery Flake self raising flour : this is to certify that M ... of ... was awarded the first prize in The Feathery Flour Self Raising Flour Home Made Cake Competition held in conjunction with ... / The Victoria Flour Co., Ltd.
  • Certificate : Royal Red Cross... / Denbighshire Education Authority.
  • Certificate of application for war service bar / Joint Women's V.A.D. Dept.
  • Issue of 100 debentures of £100 each : carrying interest at the rate of £10 per cent. per annum / The Medical Battery Company Limited.
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • This policy of assurance witnesseth, that ... ha... paid to the Phoenix Assurance Company of London, the amount of premium and duty stated below as the present payment, and having agreed to pay, or cause to be paid to the said company on the day of expiration of this policy, for insurance from loss or damage by fire ...
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].
  • Certificate of marriage : pursuant to the acts Anno Sexto et Septimo Gulielmi IV Regis, Cap. LXXXVI., et Anno Primo Victoriae reginae, Cap. XXII.
  • Patente di abilitazione in chirurgia, e facoltà di esercitarla : Gli eccellentissimi SS. dottori, ed esaminatori del venerabil Collegio dei Medici, e Cerusici della Città di Firenze in sufficiente numero nella solita lora audienza adunati ... / [Collegio dei Medici di Firenze].
  • 1972 : Happy new year = Glückliches Neujahr = Bonne nouvelle année : [calendar] / [edited by Lajos Vörösházy ; contributor József Antall].