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14 results filtered with: Case studies
  • Text to accompany illustration of a birthing chair
  • Plate 1. An "easy chair" for pregnant and lying-in women
  • Medical and chirurgical observations, as an appendix to a former publication / by Benjamin Gooch.
  • Cases of mental disease, with practical observations on medical treatment. For the use of students / by Alexander Morison.
  • Essays on the diseases of children with cases and dissections. Vol. I. Containing: Essay 1, Of cynanche trachealis, or croup; Essay 2, Of the bowel complaints / By John Cheyne.
  • Cases of mental disease, with practical observations on medical treatment. For the use of students / by Alexander Morison.
  • Cases of mental disease, with practical observations on medical treatment. For the use of students / by Alexander Morison.
  • Nouvelles observations sur la pratique des accouchemens. Avec la maniere de se servir d'une nouvelle machine, tres-commode & facile, pour tirer promptement & surement, la tête de l'enfant, separée de son corps, & restée seule dans la matrice, sans se servir d'aucuns instrumens trenchans, ou piquans, qui puissent exposer la mere à aucun danger ... / [Pierre Amand].
  • Biographieen Geisteskranker in ihrer psychologischen Entwickelung / Dargestellt von Karl Wilhelm Ideler.
  • Cases of mental disease, with practical observations on medical treatment. For the use of students / by Alexander Morison.
  • A treatise on the management of pregnant and lying-in women and the means of curing, but more especially of preventing the principal disorders to which they are liable. Together with some new directions concerning the delivery of the child and placenta. In natural births : illustrated with cases / by Charles White.
  • Page 1, Dedicated to William Hunter, M.D.
  • Account of a case of hermaphrodism / P.D. Handyside.
  • Biographieen Geisteskranker in ihrer psychologischen Entwickelung / Dargestellt von Karl Wilhelm Ideler.