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1,940 results filtered with: Book illustrations
  • A plant (Erysimum orientale): flowering stem, root and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1807.
  • Two camels and a wild ass before palm trees. Coloured chalk lithograph.
  • Daoyin exercises: Intercourse of Dragon and Tiger, Pose 12
  • C18 Chinese woodcut: Pale red pharyngitis
  • Chinese Materia Dietetica, Ming: ' Salt gall' water
  • A wild rose (Rosa dicksoni): flowering stem, fruit and floral segments. Coloured engraving, c. 1831, after J. Sowerby.
  • Above, a pair of bears with two cubs on a crag of a mountain with one bear roaring as one cub is killed by an arrow. Below, a pack of jackals running under the mountain crag leaving bones behind. Coloured chalk lithograph.
  • Custard apple (Annona triloba): fruiting and flowering branch and seed. Coloured etching by I. Barlow after J. Rysbrack.
  • Rock balsam plant (Clusia rosea): flowering and fruiting branch. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1800, after J. Ihle.
  • Catu-tsjambu, Hortus Indicus Malabaricus
  • C14 Chinese tongue diagnosis chart
  • Chinese woodcut: Qigong exercise to free the flow in renmai
  • Chinese C18: Paed. pox - 'Swollen flesh, non-swollen lesions'
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Clay Ball Pulse
  • Two Chinese opium smokers in a booth watched by a woman who fans herself. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • Wonderful museum : an extraordinary child born in France in 1683.
  • Chinese tongue diagnosis diagram: 'Incipient plague' tongue
  • Acu-moxa chart: yinwei mai (Yin Tie Vessel), Chinese MS, Qing
  • Chinese woodcut: Various abscesses and tumours
  • Nine scenes showing tea cultivation and preparation on an Indian plantation. Engraving by T. Brown, c. 1850, after J. L. Williams.
  • Illustration from Ming Chinese ophthalmology text, Ms copy
  • A flowering plant (Loranthus bicolor) and two ciphers of the artist, Melchior Lorch. Etching by J. Pass, c. 1814.
  • Sea kale (Crambe maritima): flowers, leafy stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1801.
  • Four types of spurge (Euphorbia species): two succulent stems and two low-growing plants. Coloured etching by J. Pass, c. 1805, after J. Ihle.
  • Chinese woodcut: Types of knives and needles (4)
  • Qigong exercise to treat inability to digest food
  • Ming herbal (painting): Thorn apple
  • A crocus (Crocus stellaris): entire flowering plant and its anatomical segments. Coloured etching, c. 1812.
  • Eight British wild flowers, including wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca), cinquefoils (Potentilla species) and water avens (Geum rivale). Coloured lithograph, c. 1856, after H. Humphreys.