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4 results filtered with: Soranus, of Ephesus
  • Gynaecorium vetus translatio latina nunc primum edita cum additis graeci textus reliquiis a Dietzio repertis / atque ad ipsum codicem parisiensem nunc recognitis a Valentino Rose.
  • Hippocrates upon Air, water, and situation; upon Epidemical diseases; and upon Prognosticks, in acute cases especially. To this is added (by way of comparison) Thucydidesʼs Account of the plague of Athens / The whole translated, methodisʼd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes by Francis Clifton. [With life of Hippocrates from Soranus].
  • The aphorismes of Hippocrates, prince of physicians : with an exact table shewing the substance of every aphorism, and a short comment on each one, taken out of those larger notes of Galen, Heurnius, Fuchsius, &c / [Hippocrates].
  • Hippocrates upon Air, water, and situation; upon Epidemical diseases; and upon Prognosticks, in acute cases especially. To this is added (by way of comparison) Thucydidesʼs Account of the plague of Athens / The whole translated, methodisʼd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes by Francis Clifton. [With life of Hippocrates from Soranus].