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4 results filtered with: Pococke, Richard, 1704-1765
  • Doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica (L.) C.Martius): fruiting stem and fruit segments. Etching by G. D. Ehret, c. 1743.
  • Doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica (L.) C.Martius): leaf, sectioned stem, leaf stalk and whole plant. Etching by G. D. Ehret, c. 1743, after himself.
  • A fruiting stem of Colutea orientalis, a flowering Lunaria fruticosa, a flowering Jacobæa ægyptiaca and a fruiting stem of Astragalus orientalis. Etching by G. D. Ehret, c. 1743, after himself.
  • A fruiting Abutilon species, a fruiting pepper plant (Capsicum sp.) and a flowering Sisyrinchium orientale. Etching by G. D. Ehret, c. 1743, after himself.