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90 results
  • Chemist's shop (N.F. Tyler) at 87 Abingdon Road, W8.
  • Chemist's shop (N.F. Tyler) at 87 Abingdon Road, W8.
  • Chemist's shop (N.F. Tyler) at 87 Abingdon Road, W8.
  • Chemist's shop (N.F. Tyler) at 87 Abingdon Road, W8.
  • Chemist's shop (N.F. Tyler) at 87 Abingdon Road, W8.
  • Late 19th century chemist's shop formerly owned by N.F. Tyler. At 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington W 8. Photograph by Mr Michieli showing the exterior.
  • Late 19th century chemist's shop formerly owned by N.F. Tyler. At 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington W 8. Photograph by Mr Michieli showing the exterior.
  • Late 19th century chemist's shop formerly owned by N.F. Tyler. At 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington W 8. Photograph by Mr Michieli showing the exterior.
  • Late 19th century chemist's shop formerly owned by N.F. Tyler. At 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington W 8. Photograph by Mr Michieli showing the interior with the side windows and carboys in position.
  • Late 19th century chemist's shop formerly owned by N.F. Tyler. At 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington W 8. Photograph by Mr Michieli showing the view of the front window and door with carboys in position.
  • Late 19th century chemist's shop formerly owned by N.F. Tyler. At 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington W 8. Photograph by Mr Michieli showing the interior, the back of the shop and part of a side window.
  • London School of Tropical Medicine, 24th Session Group portrait- including Sir Patrick Manson, G.D. Warren, T.R. Beale Browne, C.W. Daniels, R.W. Burkitt, J. F. Fitzmaurice, D. Ross Kilpatrick, J. C. C. Ford, A. F. Forster, Q. B. de Freitas, C.A. Godson, F. Grenier, S. Gurney, G. Hamilton, Prof. Holst, Capt. F.H.G. Hutchinson, K. McMurtrie, Miss G. Mackinnon, W.F. Todd, C. Frimodt Moller, Miss C. Wilson, Miss A. Madsen, Capt. J.N. Walker, J. Phillip Ziervogel.
  • The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities: or, the ingenius gentlewoman and servant-maids delightful companion. Containing many excellent things for the accomplishment of the female sex ... (1.) The art of distilling. (2.) Making artificial wines. (3.) Making syrups. ... (8) To make beautifying-waters, oyls, pomatums musk-balls, perfumes, &c. (9) Physical and chyrurgical receipts. (10.) The duty of a wet nurse; and to know and cure diseases in children, &c. ... (14.) The accomplished dairy-maids directions, &c. (15.) The judicious midwives directions, how women in travail before and after delivery ought to be used; as also the child; and what relates to the preservation of them both. To which is added a second part, containing directions for the guidance of a young gentlewomen. As to her behavior & seemly deportment / [J.S. (John Shirley)].
  • The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities: or, the ingenius gentlewoman and servant-maids delightful companion. Containing many excellent things for the accomplishment of the female sex ... (1.) The art of distilling. (2.) Making artificial wines. (3.) Making syrups. ... (8) To make beautifying-waters, oyls, pomatums musk-balls, perfumes, &c. (9) Physical and chyrurgical receipts. (10.) The duty of a wet nurse; and to know and cure diseases in children, &c. ... (14.) The accomplished dairy-maids directions, &c. (15.) The judicious midwives directions, how women in travail before and after delivery ought to be used; as also the child; and what relates to the preservation of them both. To which is added a second part, containing directions for the guidance of a young gentlewomen. As to her behavior & seemly deportment / [J.S. (John Shirley)].
  • Annual report for the year 1902 (fifth year of issue) / Metropolitan Asylums Board.
  • Children walking up a grassy knoll in the open air, taking healthy exercise. Colour lithograph after F. L. Mora. 1918.
  • Children walking up a grassy knoll in the open air, taking healthy exercise. Colour lithograph after F. L. Mora. 1918.
  • The Wellcome Bureau of Scientific Research: staff including the director Andrew Balfour (seated centre) and his successor Charles Wenyon (seated to his left). Photograph, 1923.
  • The Wellcome Bureau of Scientific Research: staff including the director Andrew Balfour (seated centre) and his successor Charles Wenyon (seated to his left). Photograph, 1923.
  • Nine famous Swedish doctors, numbered with a key from 28-36. Lithograph by A. Hardh.
  • A fig plant (Ficus carica var.): fruiting stem and leaf. Coloured lithograph, c. 1869, after W. Fitch.
  • British Association for the Advancement of Science: speakers at its meeting in Cambridge in 1904. Drawing by A.S. Boyd, 1904.
  • Trinity College, Dublin: Biological Association members on the steps of a College building. Photograph by J. Chancellor, 1893.
  • A man. Oil painting.
  • A man. Oil painting.
  • Guy's Hospital: Sir James Frederic Goodhart with Lauriston Elgie Shaw and a group of students. Photograph, 1885.
  • Chiropodologia, or, A scientific enquiry into the causes of corns, warts, onions, and other painful or offensive cutaneous excrescences : with a detail of the most successful methods of removing all deformities of the nails; and of preserving, or restoring, to the feet and hands their natural soundness and beauty. The whole ... systematically confirmed by the practice and experience of D. Low, chiropodist.
  • Chiropodologia, or, A scientific enquiry into the causes of corns, warts, onions, and other painful or offensive cutaneous excrescences : with a detail of the most successful methods of removing all deformities of the nails; and of preserving, or restoring, to the feet and hands their natural soundness and beauty. The whole ... systematically confirmed by the practice and experience of D. Low, chiropodist.
  • The flexor muscles of the arm, hand and fingers, separated from each other and raised through the use of a dowel and a perforated box. Engraving after G. de Lairesse, 1739.
  • The bones of the arm. Engraving after G. de Lairesse, 1739.