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978 results
  • AIDS and syphilis: exhibition at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine.
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: the Institute for the History of Medicine under construction. Photograph, 1928.
  • Medical ceramics : a catalogue of the English and Dutch collections in the Museum of the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine / J.K. Crellin.
  • Medical ceramics : a catalogue of the English and Dutch collections in the Museum of the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine / J.K. Crellin.
  • Medical ceramics : a catalogue of the English and Dutch collections in the Museum of the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine / J.K. Crellin.
  • Medical ceramics : a catalogue of the English and Dutch collections in the Museum of the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine / J.K. Crellin.
  • Medical ceramics : a catalogue of the English and Dutch collections in the Museum of the Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine / J.K. Crellin.
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: the Institute for the History of Medicine: staff standing outside. Colour photograph, 1947.
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: the Institute for the History of Medicine: staff standing on the steps. Photograph, 1961.
  • High matter, dark language : the philosophy of Robert Fludd (1574-1637) an exhibition at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine catalogue / [prepared by] Christine English, Michael Fend and Robert Jan van Pelt.
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: the Institute for the History of Medicine: staff: group portrait. Photograph by Eduard Althausen, ca. 1947.
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: Arturo Castiglioni with staff of the Institute for the History of Medicine. Photograph by Eduard Althausen, ca. 1928.
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: the Institute for the History of Medicine: staff (?) seated around a large table. Photograph by Eduard Althausen, ca. 1947.
  • British Society for the History of Medicine. Presidents Badge.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: eight delegates. Process print after Ross, 1932.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine (VI), Leiden, 1927: delegates at the opening of the Congress. Photograph, 1927.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine (VI), Leiden, 1927: delegates at the opening of the Congress. Photograph, 1927.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: fourteen delegates. Process print after I. Ross, 1932.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: four delegates. Process prints after E. Taru, 1932.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: four delegates. Process prints after E. Taru, 1932.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: four delegates. Process prints after E. Taru, 1932.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: five delegates. Process prints after E. Taru, 1932.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: four delegates. Process prints after E. Taru, 1932.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: a large group of delegates in conversation. Process print, 1932.
  • The corridor with washbasins in the special clinic for animals in the Physiology Department, Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine, St Petersburg. Photograph, 1904.
  • The central corridor of the vivarium (animal house) with cages for the animals, in the Physiology Department, Imperial Institute of Experimental Medicine, St Petersburg. Photograph, 1904.
  • NCUACS : National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidance of the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology : with compliments.
  • Emblem of Healing: a draft advertisement from 'The House of Medicine You Help to Build' series for Burroughs Wellcome and Co. The layout features the unicorn symbol.
  • The history of inoculation and vaccination for the prevention and treatment of disease : lecture memoranda / XVIIth International Congress of Medicine, London, 1913.