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30 results
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: a water tower and cottages. Photograph, ca. 1921.
  • Water-tower and engine-house, Worthing, Sussex. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin after Rawlinson.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: patients grouped at the foot of the large water tower. Photograph, 1921.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: view showing a water tower (centre), Stoner village cottages (right) and Patton village cottages (left). Photograph, ca. 1921.
  • A tower at Nakhon Thom [Angkor Wat], Cambodia. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1866.
  • The water tower and bridge in Mannheim enveloped by the AIDS red ribbon with the message 'Solidarity for people living with HIV and AIDS' ; an advertisement for World AIDS Day, 1st December by AIDS-Hilfe Mannheim-Ludwigshafen e.V. Colour lithograph.
  • Indian agriculture: drawing water for crops. Gouache drawing.
  • Friar Bacon's Study, Oxford: by the river. Etching by B. Green.
  • Panorama of the river Thames and the buildings of the City, looking northwards beside London Bridge. Engraving by S. and N. Buck, 1749.
  • The canal and Gothic tower in the garden of the Duke of Argyll at Whitton, Middlesex. Etching, 18th century.
  • Macao, China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1870.
  • Chiengmai Leper Asylum, Thailand: livestock and horses grazing on grass surrounded by cottages and the asylum overseer's house (centre). Photograph, ca. 1921.
  • Men hauling excavated soil up a shaft in a bucket suspended from a rope, driven by a steam hoist. Wood engraving, 1868.
  • West Park Mental Hospital, Epsom: general view of part of the site. Process print, 1926.
  • Prea Sat Ling Poun, Nakhon Thom [Angkor  Wat], Cambodia.
  • Qiongzhou (Haikou) Harbour, Hainan Island, China: a fort. Photograph by John Thomson, 1870.
  • Qiongzhou (Haikou) Harbour, Hainan Island, China: a fort. Photograph by John Thomson, 1870.
  • Chao Phraya river, Bangkok, Siam (Thailand). Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • Chao Phraya river, Bangkok, Siam (Thailand). Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • Ayutthaya, Siam (Thailand): the temple Wat Sena Sanaram. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • Ayutthaya, Siam (Thailand): the temple Wat Sena Sanaram. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • Ayutthaya, Siam (Thailand): the temple Wat Sena Sanaram. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • Ayutthaya, Siam (Thailand): the temple Wat Sena Sanaram. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • Ayutthaya, Siam (Thailand): the temple Wat Sena Sanaram. Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • The Crystal Palace from the Great Exhibition, installed at Sydenham: sculptures of prehistoric creatures in the foreground. Colour Baxter-process print by G. Baxter, 1864(?).
  • Saint Pantaleon (Panteleion, Panteleimon). Engraving by Theodosios Rosos, 1818.
  • Death, as a policeman, approaches a ragged woman and her baby in a London park. Colour wood engraving by M. Morgan, 1867.
  • A storm of thunder and lightning, rain, wind and floods threaten an ancient town on the sea-coast; representing conflict. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after Sir P.P. Rubens.
  • Clock and Watchmakers Asylum, Colney Hatch, Southgate, Middlesex: panoramic view. Coloured wood engraving by J. Knight.
  • People using advanced materials and modes of transport in the year 2000, some travelling in hot-air balloons, some with their own wings, and some in carriages running on steam. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.