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  • Johan Gotschalk Waller. Line engraving by J. Gillberg, 1772, after himself.
  • Johan Gotskalk Waller. Line engraving by C. Schütz, 1777, after J. Gillberg.
  • Croquet party, includes Ernest Starling, I. V. Pavlov, A.D. Waller, Edkins and Bayliss
  • Wall rocket (Diplotaxis muralis): flowering stem, leaf and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1802.
  • Rock or wall cress (Arabis turrita): flowering stem, leaves and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1794.
  • Rock or wall cress (Arabis stricta): flowering stem, root and floral segments. Coloured engraving after J. Sowerby, 1798.
  • A man holding a guitar is leaning against a wall, two children are lying asleep on the ground beside him. Etching by J.J. Martínez Espinosa.
  • A man sticking placards on a wall that is already littered with public notices. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1815.
  • Animals dressed as gentlemen and ladies survey the medical advertisements on a wall. Coloured wood engraving by J. Grandville, 1853.
  • The Physic Garden, Chelsea: a view towards the river showing the cedars by the wall. Lithograph by H. Warren after J. Fuge.
  • A rider jumping over a wall with his horse followed by two dogs. Coloured line block after a drawing by J. H. Marks.
  • A loaded donkey carrying its drover, seen from behind, with a town wall and turret in the background. Etching by J. E. Ridinger.
  • A man sits filling his pipe by the fire, behind a man relieves himself against the wall. Mezzotint by J.J. Haid et filius after D. Teniers, the younger (?).
  • The guards in charge of a prisoner chained to the wall are talking to him. Engraving by A.L. Romanet after P.J. Loutherbourg.
  • Market traders selling vegetables, and a man cooking in a long-handled pan on a brazier; beyond, an ancient wall and a rotunda. Etching by J. Pelletier after J.B.M. Pierre.
  • The ascent of Mont Blanc by John Auldjo's party in 1827: mountaineers scaling a wall of ice above a precipice. Lithograph after J. Auldjo, 1828.
  • Antioch, Turkey: remains of the old walls of the city, following the slope of a mountain. Engraving by J.B. Liénard after L.F. Cassas.
  • A standing écorché figure, seen from behind, reaching upwards with raised arms and gripping the top of a wall. Crayon manner print by Lavalée, after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • A standing écorché figure, seen from behind, reaching upwards with raised arms and gripping the top of a wall. Crayon manner print by Lavalée, after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • Three écorché figures: two are shown standing with arms upstretched, gripping a wall, while the central figure lies twisted on the floor. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1779.
  • Disabled and paralysed people lying outside a wall of the cemetery Santo Spirito in Rome begging for alms from passers-by. Coloured lithograph by F. Villain after A.J.-B. Thomas, 1823.
  • A family sit together in the darkened kitchen where the children are amused by their father making animal shadows in the light shining on the wall. Lithograph by J. Corosjean after David Wilkie.
  • A prisoner is sitting on straw in a cave with his feet chained to the wall, there are a few provisions on a small shelf in the rock. Etching by R. Blyth after J.H. Mortimer.
  • The Hospital of Bethlem [Bedlam] at Moorfields, London: seen from the south, with part of London Wall in the foreground, and a muck-raker scraping at the cobblestones. Etching by J. T. Smith, 1814, after himself, June 1812.
  • The Hospital of Bethlem [Bedlam] at Moorfields, London: seen from the south, with part of London Wall in the foreground, and a muck-raker scraping at the cobblestones. Etching by J. T. Smith, 1814, after himself, June 1812.
  • Four men whose distorted shadows are cast on the wall:a an apothecary casting the shadow of a clyster, a censor casting the shadow of a devil, a hereditary peer casting the shadow of a pig, and a Jesuit casting the shadow of a turkey. Coloured lithograph by J.J. Grandville, 1830.
  • A fig plant (Ficus carica): fruiting stem and halved fruit. Coloured zincograph by J. Macfarlane, c. 1872, after himself.
  • Group shot, Northwood Middlesex, c. 1900
  • Members of the Association of Homeopathic Doctors, meeting in Vienna. Lithograph by J. Kriehuber, 1857.
  • An under-nourished working class mother holding a baby; advertising the "GeSoLei", an exhibition in Düsseldorf on healthcare. Lithograph after R. Waller, 1926.