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23 results
  • Sir Richard Owen. Lithograph by Vincent Brooks, Day and Son, 1880.
  • Sir Richard Owen. Lithograph by Vincent Brooks, Day and Son, 1880.
  • John Arthur Roebuck. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks, Day and Son after Ape (C. Pellegrini), 1874.
  • Sir William Tindal Robertson. Chromolithograph by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, 1889, after Sir L. Ward [Spy].
  • Marie and Pierre Curie, he holding up a glowing specimen of radium. Colour lithograph by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son after J. M. Price [Imp, JMP], 1904.
  • Marie and Pierre Curie, he holding up a glowing specimen of radium. Colour lithograph by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son after J. M. Price [Imp, JMP], 1904.
  • A tropical orchid (Masdevallia chimaera): flowering plant and separate flower. Coloured lithograph, c. 1875, after W. Fitch.
  • A plant (Utricularia montana): flowering stem. Coloured lithograph by W. G. Smith, c. 1873, after himself.
  • A lady's slipper orchid (Cypripedium drurii): flowering stems. Coloured lithograph by J. N. Fitch, c. 1880, after himself.
  • A tropical plant (Acokanthera spectabilis): flowering stem. Coloured lithograph by W. G. Smith, c. 1872, after himself.
  • An azalea (Rhododendron species): flowering stem. Coloured lithograph by W. G. Smith, c. 1872, after himself.
  • A plant (Tillandsia musaica): flowering stem. Coloured lithograph by J. N. Fitch, c. 1880, after himself.
  • A richly decorated draught-horse standing in front of a carriage. Chromolithograph.
  • A cricket ball has hit a batsman in the face as he plays a game on the cricket field. Colour lithograph after G. Finch Mason, 1898.
  • Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) with swollen trunk. Lithograph after R. McCormick, c. 1884.
  • The finishing line at a horse race; ten portrait caricatures, including eight of famous jockeys. Colour lithograph after L. Prosperi, 1888.
  • James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford. Colour lithograph by L. Ward (Spy), 1878.
  • Sir William Crookes, holding a Crookes Tube. Colour lithograph after L. Ward [Spy].
  • Cowpox: areas of affected skin on the face and thumb of a patient, showing the development of the disease (possibly after vaccination?). Colour lithograph, ca. 1880.
  • Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge. Colour lithograph by Sir L. Ward [Spy], 1904.
  • Alberto Santos-Dumont, aviator, with an airship attached to his head and a propeller strapped to his back. Colour lithograph after Geo. Hum., 1901.
  • A cow's udder with vaccinia pustules. Chromolithograph.
  • Attribution, symbols and names of God. Chromolithograph by S.E. Needham.