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19 results
  • A physician, a lawyer and a vicar; represented as outlandish figures. Coloured etching.
  • A physician, a lawyer and a vicar; represented as outlandish figures. Coloured etching.
  • A parson accompanied by two constables on his way to visit prisoners in a parish lockup. Etching, 1778.
  • A vicar asking a woman if she likes her new female doctor, the woman retorts that she prefers male doctors and finds them more genteel. Wood engraving after G. Du Maurier.
  • The wedding ceremony of two deaf and dumb people conducted in sign language. Process print after H. Ash.
  • Country folk pushing a lawyer, a physician and a gouty vicar in wheelbarrows out of their village. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1819.
  • A farmer telling his family, a doctor, a vicar and a lawyer his last will and testament. Coloured etching by H.W. Bunbury, 1809?, after G.M. Woodward.
  • Death's triumph over a much loved family man; illustrated by a skeletal death figure pulling the hair of the retreating doctor. Coloured aquatint after T. Rowlandson, 1814, after himself.
  • A man with gout seated at a table drinking with a parson and a woman. Coloured etching.
  • A man with gout seated at a table drinking with a parson and a woman. Coloured etching.
  • Death's triumph over a much loved family man; illustrated by a skeletal death figure pulling the hair of the retreating doctor. Coloured aquatint after T. Rowlandson, 1814, after himself.
  • A country vicar visiting a family where a child has been suffering from scarlet fever. Wood engraving after C. Shepperson.
  • A vicar using sign language to the congregation at a service at a deaf and dumb church. Wood engraving after A.S. Hartick (?).
  • A gouty vicar dining on meat and wine. Etching by T. Best.
  • A parson guilty of long tedious sermons has fallen asleep as a veteran relates at length the tactics used at the battle of Dettingen: both ignore a woman who brings them a  dish of cooked chicken. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • Vignettes of Peel's first ministry surrounded by eight figures representing certain professions. Coloured lithograph, 1835.
  • Vignettes of Peel's first ministry surrounded by eight figures representing certain professions. Coloured lithograph, 1835.
  • Wellington and Peel compared with the Siamese twins (above); a rich bishop and a poor parson; and a street vendor of figurines. Etching by W. Heath, 1830.
  • The Dispensary, Brighton: perspective view. Wood engraving, 1849.