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37 results
  • Death and the lady. Etching.
  • Four circular compositions with scenes from the dance of death. Lithograph after Israhel van Meckenem.
  • The open tomb of Pallas is visited by a group of visitors. Etching.
  • Six people seated at an outdoor table are approached by Death, a young woman holding a skull, and a winged putto. Etching.
  • Two mercenary soldiers approach a seated prostitute while Death sits in a tree, pointing to an hourglass. Etching after Urs Graf, 1524.
  • The aristocrat and Death. Etching.
  • A man and a woman are counting their money with Death watching, armed with hourglass and scythe. Mezzotint by I. Meheux.
  • A fatal fight between two men is caused by a game of cards. Etching by Jan Lievens. Etching.
  • A skeleton in fine attire. Lithograph, 18--.
  • Death accompanies an old man. Etching.
  • A dinner party is interrupted by the appearance of Death who has captured a lady with his chain. Etching by Raphaël Sadeler after Jan van der Straet.
  • Two men in the presence of death hold a dialogue with God. Etching by John Lightbody.
  • Men and women inspect the open grave of Venus. Etching.
  • A skull with a timepiece and flowers Etching by William Faithorne, 16--, after Philippe de Champaigne.
  • A skull. Etching.
  • Mars lies in his monumental tomb and is surrounded by soldiers. Etching.
  • Death tramples on three female allegorical figures representing sensual pleasures. Etching by Hieronymus Wierix.
  • Four figures contemplate the inscription on a tomb in Arcadia. Etching by Etienne Picart after Nicolas Poussin, 1653.
  • A coat of arms, depicting a skull, is flanked by a man and a woman. Lithograph after a woodcut.
  • A boy seated next to an altar dedicated to Death leans on a skull. Etching by Petrus de Jode.
  • A winged figure of Death stands on top of a selection of worldly goods and holds an hourglass and a scythe. Mezzotint.
  • Death tramples on three female allegorical figures representing sensual pleasures. Etching by Hieronymus Wierix.
  • Death as king shows a mirror to mankind. Engraving by John Payne, 1639.
  • Saladin proclaims that he will only take his shirt to his grave. Engraving by John Payne, 1639.
  • Death pays a visit to a baron. Lithograph by Langlumé after Jean Grandville.
  • A skull, a skeleton, candles and other symbols of mortality. Engraving attributed to G. Altzenbach, [16--].
  • The dance of death: Death and the abbess and Death and a lady. Woodcut with letterpress.
  • An architectural composition resembling an altar on which a skeleton lies, cherubs fly above. Engraving.
  • A skull with a timepiece and flowers Etching by William Faithorne, 16--, after Philippe de Champaigne.
  • A man embraces a female figure holding an anchor who is standing on a sack filled with money while Death enters the room. Etching.