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129 results
  • Detox / Farmacia Urban Healing.
  • Detox / Farmacia Urban Healing.
  • Urban Hjaerne. Line engraving by J.B. Brühl after E. Brenner.
  • Urban Hjaerne. Line engraving by J.B. Brühl after E. Brenner.
  • An urban square with pavilions and hospitals. Etching.
  • Urbani Hierni Defensionis Paracelsicae prodromus. Eller, kort föremäle af then uthförligare förswars skrift för den stora philosophus Theutonicus Theophrastus Paracelsus, som nyligen medelst en härd beskyllning, uthan nägon orsak ar worden antastad / [Urban Hjärne].
  • A black woman with glasses wraps her arms around a boy; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Beane.
  • Cindy, a girl with black hair tied up who holds a toy; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Beane.
  • A feathered circle inside which are several faces of native Americans; advertisement for Urban Aboriginal AIDS Awareness for the National AIDS Strategy supported by Health Canada. Lithograph by Julie Simoa, 1995.
  • Two naked men making love against a window with one wearing a condom; advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis and AIDS ACTION Committee of Massachusetts. Colour lithograph by Peter Urban, 1991.
  • Two naked men making love against a window with one wearing a condom; advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis and AIDS ACTION Committee of Massachusetts. Colour lithograph by Peter Urban, 1991.
  • A samurai on horseback with his retainers ready to launch themselves into a fight; with a snowy urban scene behind. Colour woodcut by Kunimasa III, 1847/1850.
  • Nepal; street cleaning in Kathmandu, 1986. In the mid-1980s, Kathmandu was a mix of medieval architecture and urban sprawl. Television was a late-comer to Nepal but by the 1980s, the skyline of urban areas had become peppered with television aerials. Copying western culture and values became fashionable, and drug addiction amongst the young increased significantly during the decade.
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: a food shop with Malay staff, showing open sacks and boxes of produce, in an urban area prone to outbreaks of typhus. Photograph, 1915/1925.
  • A black woman stands in a field with flowers holding a red ribbon above her head with the sun behind; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Beane.
  • Two naked men making love against a window with one wearing a condom; advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS Committee of Toronto, Gay Men's Health Crisis and AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts. Colour lithograph by Peter Urban, 1991.
  • Two eyes above a woman and child and other illustrations of groups of black people interwoven with a red banner bearing words including 'give love' and 'compassion'; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc. for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A man and woman carrying barrels of water on their heads: Conference on water sanitation for the urban poor in Kenya. Colour lithograph by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, 2006.
  • The blue silhouette of a foetus in the womb of a woman; a warning to pregnant women about the dangers of passing on AIDS through pregnancy issued by the Ministry of Health & Urban Development of Belize. Colour lithograph by Stage 1 Design, ca. 1995.
  • A circular crossed plate (?) incorporating indigenous symbols including a feather, a pipe, a polar bear and stones above a pot of flames; advertisement for the Urban Aboriginal AIDS Awareness program for the National AIDS Strategy supported by Health Canada. Colour lithograph by Julie Simoa.
  • A contrast between the housing conditions of the Irish rural poor and those of the middle-class urban population, envisaged as the result of Home Rule for Ireland. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 17 October 1891.
  • Contrary to popular belief, sexually transmitted infections and sexual activity with multiple partners are common in the Indian subcontinent in both rural and urban areas : Availability of good quality condoms while abroad can be difficult. so be prepared and take a good supply with you / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • Aggiunta al bando di proibizione, e sospensione do commercio de' 20. Giugno 1743 ... dato in Firenze, dall Uffizio di Sanità di Firenze li 2. Luglio 1743 / Urbano Pierattini, Cancelliere.
  • Regla de ... S. Augustin ... Constituciones de la Orden, y Hospitalidad de ... S. Juan de Dios confirmadas por la Santidad de Urbano Papa VIII en 9 de Noviembre de 1640.
  • Regla de ... S. Augustin ... Constituciones de la Orden, y Hospitalidad de ... S. Juan de Dios confirmadas por la Santidad de Urbano Papa VIII en 9 de Noviembre de 1640.
  • In Hippocratis librum de veteri medicina Lucae Antonii Portii ... paraphrasis. Extant alia [Fons Jovis, fons solis, Padi fons; aliique similes de quibus Plinius cap. 103. Epistola ad ... Andream de Aquino ... de incremento, sive generatione metallorum. Dissertatio logica. Epistola ... Urbani Davisii ad ... Andream de Aquino de fontium atque fluminum origine] / [Lucantonio Porzio].
  • The Holy Trinity with saints. Etching.
  • Blackwell's Island Penitentiary, New York: prisoners in uniform are marching towards the penitentiary after hard labour outside, supervised by armed guards. Wood engraving after G.U. Régamey.
  • Blackwell's Island Penitentiary, New York: prisoners are sitting at benches eating and reading as a man at the top of the room watches over them. Wood engraving after G.U. Régamay.
  • Blackwell's Island Penitentiary, New York: prisoners in chains are working with hammers breaking stones on the side of the roadway, a guard in a jacket and trousers with a cane is watching over them from under a tree. Wood engraving after G.U. Régamey.