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  • The Addictions Forum in association with The Alcohol Research Group - the University of Edinburgh present the Third National Conference on Drugs & AIDS ... : 3 and 4 November 1992, Queen Mother Conference Centre, Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH12 1JQ.
  • AIDS : issues and perspectives : a conference for everyone wishing to contribute to the public understanding of science : on Saturday 5 December 1992, 10.00am - 4.30 pm at Channel 4 Preview Studio, 44 Whitfield Street, London W1 / Birkbeck College University of London Centre for Extra-Mural Studies in association with Channel Four Television.
  • AIDS : issues and perspectives : a conference for everyone wishing to contribute to the public understanding of science : on Saturday 5 December 1992, 10.00am - 4.30 pm at Channel 4 Preview Studio, 44 Whitfield Street, London W1 / Birkbeck College University of London Centre for Extra-Mural Studies in association with Channel Four Television.
  • AIDS : issues and perspectives : a conference for everyone wishing to contribute to the public understanding of science : on Saturday 5 December 1992, 10.00am - 4.30 pm at Channel 4 Preview Studio, 44 Whitfield Street, London W1 / Birkbeck College University of London Centre for Extra-Mural Studies in association with Channel Four Television.
  • AIDS : issues and perspectives : a conference for everyone wishing to contribute to the public understanding of science : on Saturday 5 December 1992, 10.00am - 4.30 pm at Channel 4 Preview Studio, 44 Whitfield Street, London W1 / Birkbeck College University of London Centre for Extra-Mural Studies in association with Channel Four Television.
  • Hacquetia epipactis DC Apiaceae. Small herbaceous perennial. No common name except Hacquetia Distribution: Europe. Named for the Austrian physician, Balthasar (or Belsazar) Hacquet (1739/40-1815). He studied medicine in Vienna, was a surgeon in the brutal Seven Years War (1756-1763) – a world-wide war in which up to 1,400,000 people died. Later he was professor at the University of Lemberg (1788-1810). He wrote widely on many scientific disciplines including geology. Parkinson (1640) grouped it with Helleborus and Veratrum, calling it 'Epipactis Matthioli, Matthiolus, his bastard black hellebore' but does not give any uses. It has no medicinal properties. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A phrenologist comparing his own head with a phrenological bust. Oil painting by Albert W. Holden.
  • A phrenologist comparing his own head with a phrenological bust. Oil painting by Albert W. Holden.
  • King's College (London) Medical Faculty Rugby Team: group portrait of winning team with cup for the 1925-1926 season. Photograph, 1926.
  • Lonicera periclymenum L. Caprifoliaceae. Honeysuckle Distribution: Europe. This shrubby, fragrant, white-flowered honeysuckle is named for Adam Lonitzer (Lonicerus) (1528–86). German botanist, physician and author of Naturalis historiae opus novum (1551, 1555) and the Kreuterbuch (1557)
  • Hall of Classics (Guozijian), Peking: a triple archway of sculpted marble leading to the hall. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Hall of Classics (Guozijian), Peking: a triple archway of sculpted marble leading to the hall. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Brain tractography
  • Ruscus aculeatus L. Ruscaceae Butchers Broom., Box holly, Knee Holly, Jew’s myrtle. Distribution: Mediterranean to Britain. Aculeatus means 'prickly' which describes the plant well. Dioscorides in 70 AD (Gunther, 1959) says of this plant ‘... ye leaves and berries drunk in wine have ye force to move urine, expel the menstrua, and to break ye stones in ye bladder ...’ and adds also ‘ ... it cures also ye Icterus and ye strangurie and ye headache.' Its use did not change for a millennium and a half
  • Symbiosis, embroidery on fabric. 2015
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • A horse-drawn hearse pulls away from a doctor's; representing the dire state of the medical establishment according to James Morison, pill-vendor and self-styled 'Hygeian'. Lithograph, c. 1848.