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3 results
  • Two condoms entwined like a halo against a blue sky with the words 'Die himmlische Geschenk' [the heavenly gift]; an advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS-Hilfe Duisburg e.V. Colour lithograph by Walburga Lieven, GH-Uni Duisburg.
  • Two condoms against a graduated red/white background with the message 'Trau Dich' [trust you]; an advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS-Hilfe Duisburg e.V. Colour lithograph by Walburga Lieven, GH-Uni Duisburg.
  • Two male hands shake with the message 'Menschlich Sein' [human] with a list of ways in which AIDS is not transmitted; a message by the Minister for Health and Social Affairs. Colour lithograph.