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87 results
  • Tree of life.
  • Tree of life.
  • Darwin : Darwin's tree of life / words: Dorothy Porter.
  • Darwin : Darwin's tree of life / words: Dorothy Porter.
  • Three men carousing beneath a mulberry tree, with verses of a song comparing the life of humans to the life of a tree. Etching after I. Cruikshank, 1808.
  • A chastity belt decorated with a representation of Adam and Eve under the Tree of Life. Process print.
  • The tree of humane life, or, the bloud of the grape. Proving the possibilitie of maintaining humane life from infancy to extreame old age without any sicknesse by the use of wine / [Tobias Whitaker].
  • A tree bearing apples labelled with virtues; representing the life of Christian virtue. Coloured lithograph, 1870, after J. Bakewell, 1771.
  • A withered tree bearing apples labelled with sins; representing the life of sin. Coloured lithograph, c. 1870, after J. Bakewell.
  • A withered tree bearing apples labelled with sins; representing the life of the base, 'natural' man. Etching, 1771, after J. Bakewell.
  • A serpent/woman coils around the tree of life which stands between Adam and Eve. Engraving by J.T. Richomme, 1814, after Raphaël.
  • A tree bearing fruit labelled with virtues; representing the life of the Christian. Coloured etching by J. Couse, c. 1780, after J. Bakewell.
  • The sources of English monastic life in the rule of Saint Benedict, and those who have embraced the rule: family tree. Etching by W. Hollar, 1655.
  • Two people reach out to touch the tree of life and hope surrounded by dragonflies, frogs, birds and a butterfly representing an Aboriginal depiction of the cycle of life and the role people must play to ensure an AIDS free future. Colour lithograph by Zane Saunders, March 1993.
  • A voyage to the islands, Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica with the natural history of the herbs and trees, four-footed beasts, fishes, birds, insects, reptiles, &c. of the last of those islands; to which is prefix'd an introduction, wherein is an account of the inhabitants, air, waters, diseases, trade, &c. of that place, with some relations concerning the neighbouring continent, and islands of America. Illustrated with figures of the things described, which have not been heretofore engraved; in large copper-plates as big as the life / By Hans Sloane.
  • A voyage to the islands, Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica with the natural history of the herbs and trees, four-footed beasts, fishes, birds, insects, reptiles, &c. of the last of those islands; to which is prefix'd an introduction, wherein is an account of the inhabitants, air, waters, diseases, trade, &c. of that place, with some relations concerning the neighbouring continent, and islands of America. Illustrated with figures of the things described, which have not been heretofore engraved; in large copper-plates as big as the life / By Hans Sloane.
  • The history of Japan giving an account of the antient and present state and government of that empire; of its ... minerals, trees ... animals ... and fishes; of the chronology ... of the emperors ... of the customs and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade ... with the Dutch and Chinese. Together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam / Written in High Dutch by E. Kæmpfer ... and translated from his original manuscript, never before printed, by J. G. Scheuchzer ... With the life of the author. And an introduction. To which is added, part of a journal of a voyage to Japan, made by the English in ... 1673.
  • The history of Japan giving an account of the antient and present state and government of that empire; of its ... minerals, trees ... animals ... and fishes; of the chronology ... of the emperors ... of the customs and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade ... with the Dutch and Chinese. Together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam / Written in High Dutch by E. Kæmpfer ... and translated from his original manuscript, never before printed, by J. G. Scheuchzer ... With the life of the author. And an introduction. To which is added, part of a journal of a voyage to Japan, made by the English in ... 1673.
  • The history of Japan giving an account of the antient and present state and government of that empire; of its ... minerals, trees ... animals ... and fishes; of the chronology ... of the emperors ... of the customs and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade ... with the Dutch and Chinese. Together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam / Written in High Dutch by E. Kæmpfer ... and translated from his original manuscript, never before printed, by J. G. Scheuchzer ... With the life of the author. And an introduction. To which is added, part of a journal of a voyage to Japan, made by the English in ... 1673.
  • The history of Japan giving an account of the antient and present state and government of that empire; of its ... minerals, trees ... animals ... and fishes; of the chronology ... of the emperors ... of the customs and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade ... with the Dutch and Chinese. Together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam / Written in High Dutch by E. Kæmpfer ... and translated from his original manuscript, never before printed, by J. G. Scheuchzer ... With the life of the author. And an introduction. To which is added, part of a journal of a voyage to Japan, made by the English in ... 1673.
  • A personified condom in the centre surrounded by a series of illustrated scenarios demonstrating that condoms are safe and hygienic; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Anti-AIDS Foundation in Spain. Colour lithograph by Estudio Marisco, 1990.
  • Adam and Eve are expelled from Eden by a sword-bearing angel. Woodcut.
  • Eve shows Adam the apple she has bitten. Etching by W. Unger after J. Palma the elder.
  • Eve tempting Adam. Engraving by J. Massard, 1787, after C. Cignani.
  • Three goddesses dance around the Tree of Knowledge. Engraving by J. Payrau, 1901, after E. Burne-Jones.
  • Adam and Eve are expelled from Eden by a sword-bearing angel. Lithograph by N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • A serpent with a woman's head lurks in the Tree of Knowledge above Adam and Eve. Chromolithograph after Masolino.
  • Surrounded by animals in the Garden of Eden, Eve ascends from Adam's side. Line engraving by J. Haeyler after C. van den Broeck.
  • The serpent entwines itself around the body of Eve; it whispers in her ear, enticing her to eat the forbidden fruit. Photogravure by Lemercier and co. after Walter Crane, 1899.
  • The serpent entwines itself around the body of Eve; it whispers in her ear, enticing her to eat the forbidden fruit. Photogravure by Lemercier and co. after Walter Crane, 1899.