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217 results
  • A treatise on the transport of sick and wounded troops / by T. Longmore.
  • A treatise on the transport of sick and wounded troops / by T. Longmore.
  • Transport of the wounded. The Great Battle: wounded British and German brought in.
  • Boer War: arrival of the sick and wounded at Grand Central Freight Depot for transportation. Pen and ink drawing by A. Weil.
  • Serbo-Bulgarian War: an escorted convoy of ambulances carrying the sick and wounded. Wood engraving by J. Nash.
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • [5 fund raising stickers for the Austrian Red Cross featuring rehabilitation, nursing and transport of wounded soldiers].
  • Boer War: showing the work of the ambulance men and transport of the wounded. Process print after F. Theamen?.
  • [1882 ten Gulden lottery ticket in aid of the Austrian Red Cross. Shoes horse-drawn ambulances and nurses in a ward of sick / wounded].
  • [1882 ten Gulden lottery ticket in aid of the Austrian Red Cross. Shoes horse-drawn ambulances and nurses in a ward of sick / wounded].
  • [1882 ten Gulden lottery ticket in aid of the Austrian Red Cross. Shoes horse-drawn ambulances and nurses in a ward of sick / wounded].
  • Franco-Prussian War: Society for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded, London office Wood engraving.
  • An abstract of certain instructions given the Commissioners for taking care of the sick and wounded men, for the relief of widows, children and impotent parents of such as shall be slain in His Majesties service at sea.
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
  • A mother tending her sick child, a boy washing his hands, a man bandaging a wound, a woman washing clothes and 2 people cleaning their teeth; one of a series of AIDS prevention educational posters issued by the Committed Communities Development Trust in Mumbai. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A Swiss hospital train, World War I: interior view of a converted goods train, used to transport severely wounded prisoners of war. Photograph, 1914/1918.
  • A Swiss hospital train, World War I: interior view of a converted goods train, used to transport severely wounded prisoners of war. Photograph, 1914/1918.
  • Boer War: wounded men transported in an ambulance cart drawn by oxen. Watercolour by G. Soper, 1900.
  • Une ambulance turque, en dedans de la porte de Silistrie.
  • World War One: a horse is transporting a wounded man on a sledge. Watercolour by E. Matania, ca. 1918.
  • World War One: a horse is transporting a wounded man on a sledge. Watercolour by E. Matania, ca. 1918.
  • Army medical officers in the field constructing stretchers with logs and straw which are then pulled by a horse. Watercolour.
  • Burma: a wounded political officer being carried on a stretcher. Wood engraving by P. Naumann, 1889, after W.B. Wollen.