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90 results
  • Top left, gamebirds watching in safety while hunters and poachers shoot each other; top right, a graveyard for colonial institutions in Africa; bottom left, spoonbills (birds) made of teapots and spoons; bottom centre, two men talking about a hen and some ducklings; bottom right, a weather vane in the form of a man holding a gun. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1831.
  • A tea seller: a kettle and a basket containing teapot and bowls are hanging from a bamboo pole across his shoulders. Watercolour by Zhou Pei Qun, ca. 1890.
  • A laughing servant-boy holding a teapot observes the silhouette of an older servant, who is standing behind a screen, preparing to swallow a small fish. Woodcut by Kunio, 1785.
  • A squalid family scene: domestic items lying around, the mother reading, the father doing nothing, and the child drinking out of the teapot. Mezzotint by J. Scott after S.J.E. Jones.
  • A group of cartoon male figures sit chatting around a small coffee table adorned with cups and a teapot by Rob [?] representing an advertisement for Schwulenberatung, an open discussion group for gay men in Berln. Photocopy, ca. 1993.
  • A group of cartoon male figures sit chatting around a small coffee table adorned with cups and a teapot by Rob [?] representing an advertisement for Schwulenberatung, an open discussion group for gay men in Berln. Photocopy, ca. 1993.
  • Staging of a leg amputation: the 'patient' lies on a table surrounded by men: one man poses with a saw, two men pretend to administer pain relief applying a teapot and a funnel to the patient's mouth. Photograph, 1905.
  • A baker supports pies on his head while holding loaves and doughnuts; with four symbols of support (telephone, human pyramid, teapot, knife and fork); representing support for HIV positive people. Colour lithograph by Photofusion and Big-Active Limited for Mainliners, 1990/1995.
  • A large man is sitting on a chair by a table while a woman pours tea out of the teapot, seeming to miss the cups as they and the young woman standing behind the chair are engaged in conversation. Etching by Phillips.
  • A baker balances pies on his head while holding numerous loaves on his arms with four symbol images of a phone, a triangle of figures, a teapot and a knife and fork; an advertisement for Mainliners, a support group for HIV positive people. Colour lithograh.
  • Two men sit in discussion next to a teapot and cups, two triangles joined at the point with the letters 'H,E and S' and a film camera representing an advertisement for a series of films about HIV and AIDS by Kursiv and ACT Up. Photocopy, 1993.
  • A half naked woman held by two men, one of whom is peering up her skirt, while another forcibly pours the contents of a teapot down her throat which she spits back into his face: representing America being punished by British politicians with the Boston Port Bill. Engraving, 1774.
  • Two men sit in discussion top right with a further group of cartoon male figures at the bottom sit chatting around a small coffee table adorned with cups and a teapot by Rob [?]; an advertisement for an open discussion group for those living with HIV and AIDS mentored by Arnd Bächler (gay counseling) and Stefan Cremer (HIV e.V.). Photocopy, 1994.
  • A Buddhist monk seated. Black and red chalk drawing by R. Strasser, 1926.
  • A priest taking morning tea with a lady in her boudoir: a maidservant stands in the background. Engraving by Remi Parr after N. Lancret.
  • The effects of temperance on a man and his household. Lithograph, c. 1840, after Gunthorp.
  • Five people sitting and standing around a tea-table, one of them a mother with a child. Lithograph by J. Fischer, 1803.
  • The beneficial effects of temperance on a man and his family. Lithograph, c. 1840, after Gunthorp.
  • Five people sitting and standing around a tea-table, one of them a mother with a child. Lithograph by J. Fischer, 1803.
  • The ornamental bowl of a pipe on which is seated a miniature female figure drinking tea. Etching, early 19th century (?).
  • A man pours tea for a resting Chinese warrior as a kettle steams on the stove beside them. Coloured etching with ornamentation after F. Boucher, early 18th century.
  • A Chinese man with his tea pot, and workers harvesting tea. Etching with engraving, c. 1693.
  • A Chinese tea plantation with workers cleaning the racks on which the leaves are laid. Coloured etching, early 19th century.
  • Two Malay men and a woman sit and recline on the floor smoking opium. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • Westerners at Yokohama, Japan, enjoying a lavish tea ceremony as a cellist plays to them. Coloured woodcut by Chikahisa, c. 1865, after Yoshikazu.
  • Two Malay men and a woman sit and recline on the floor smoking opium. Wood-engraving, late 19th century.
  • John Bull making hop-tea in front of a hop grower and his workers; representing adulteration of beer by brewers. Chromolithograph by T. Merry, 1890, after himself.
  • Two Russian type water boilers(samowars)
  • China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.
  • China. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1869.