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19 results
  • A Chinese man being punished with stocks (?): the man is shown walking with one arm and one leg encased in 'stocks', while another man leads him on a chain. Gouache painting on rice-paper, 18--?.
  • Lord Cochrane and Captain de Beranger, collaborators in a fraudulent manipulation of the Stock Exchange, playing dice while in the stocks. Coloured etching by George Cruikshank, 1814.
  • Bridewell Hospital: an aerial view. Engraving by W. H. Toms, 1739.
  • A man in Africa sitting imprisoned on the ground, with his hands and feet locked into holes made in cut-down tree trunks. Wood engraving after P.B. Du Chaillu, 1867.
  • Two Indian men seated on the ground, their left feet trapped in a pillory. Halftone.
  • Perkin Warbeck imprisoned in the stocks and reading his confession before a crowd of spectators. Tinted lithograph after R. Doyle.
  • Jeremiah is released from the stocks. Etching by J. Barlow, 1812, after W.M. Craig.
  • Mitchel Troy, Wales: lich-gate and stocks outside the church. Photograph, ca. 1890.
  • Bridewell Hospital: an aerial view.
  • A village barber-surgeon standing in front of his shop, holding a razor and a lancet; in the distance are the village stocks. Coloured etching by J. Bretherton after H.W. Bunbury.
  • A parson accompanied by two constables on his way to visit prisoners in a parish lockup. Etching, 1778.
  • Almondbury, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire: the stocks. Photograph by Fred H. Crossley, ca. 19--.
  • Lord Glenelg stands in the stocks and receives a hail of rubbish. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1838.
  • A scene showing alms-giving of food, water, clothes and money; in the midst of this Charity is seen with a Pelican on her head holding a Sacred Heart. Line engraving by H. Cock after P. Bruegel, 1559.
  • Methods of torture in South America: people in field stocks before large crucifixes. Wood engraving by Riou.
  • The British Museum: working-class people attending a guided tour and looking at exhibits of English history in glass cases and on the walls. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1843.
  • A malefactor in a pillory is exposed to public ridicule and people throwing stones at him. Etching.
  • Titus Oates is standing in the pillory while two men drive a cart with gallows past him. Mezzotint.
  • Titus Oates standing in the pillory surrounded by medaillons of people executed as a result of the Popish Plot in 1678. Etching with engraving.