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647 results
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing villi. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Human small intestine showing villi and glands. The cytokeratin in the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Drosophila ovaries stained for actin/purple and DNA/orange.
  • Human small intestine showing the columnar epithelium. The cytokeratinin the cells is stained blue, the cell nuclei are stained red and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are stained green.
  • Diagnostic test for Fragile X, using presence (normal) or absence (Fragile X syndrome) of FMR-1 protein. FMR-1 protein expression in blood cells has been made visible with antibodies against the FMR-1 protein. The presence of FMR-1 protein is made visible as red staining. a: red staining in cells of normal individual. b/c: absence of staining in male patient. d: female patient; one cell is showing staining and in the other cell there is an absence of staining - this individual is a carrier.
  • HeLa cell in prometaphase. The chromatin is stained red and the microtubules forming the spindle stained green. The chromatin has condensed but there is not yet complete attachment of the chromosomes to the spindle.
  • Two human cells in interphase. The microtubules are stained in green and the DNA in red.
  • Human neural stem cells stained for Sox2 (green) and vimentin (red). Both are markers of neural stem cells.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, T cells (stained for CD3; red) dendritic cells (stained for MHC class II; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue with some cells showing a tinge of green) can be seen. Cell nuclei have been stained with DAPI (grey). This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, blood vessels (string-like structures stained for CD31; red), lymphatic vessels (ribbon-like structures stained for LYVE-1; blue) and dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) can be seen. Macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue) are also present. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, T cells (stained for CD3; red) dendritic cells (stained for MHC class II; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue with some cells showing a tinge of green) can be seen. Cell nuclei have been stained with DAPI (grey). This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X20 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 100 micrometres.
  • The good Samaritan helps the man who has been robbed and beaten. Engraving, 1793, after stained glass window at Healey Hall, Lancashire.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, blood vessels (string-like structures stained for CD31; green), lymphatic vessels (ribbon-like structures stained for LYVE-1; blue) and T cells (stained for CD3; red) can be seen. T cells are only found around dermal blood vessels. Macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue) are also present. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Blood vessels in the retina showing the endothelial cells in red and the vascular contents in green. Surrounding cell nuclei are stained blue.
  • Cellular architecture of human skin lymphoma imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Normal human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In diseased skin, such as in skin lymphoma as seen here, this normal architecture becomes distorted. In this image, lots of T cells (stained for CD3; red), dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue) have infiltrated the skin. X20 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 100 micrometres.
  • Human neural stem cells stained for nestin (red). Nestin is a type of intermediate filamant protein that is used as a marker of neural stem cells. The blue dots are the cell nuclei stained with DAPI. Neural stem cells can be made to develop into cells found in the central nervous system; neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
  • Neuromuscular junction showing the association of the nerves and the muscle fibres. This image is taken from a Drosophila larva and shows the neuromuscular junctions stained with green fluorescence protein (GFP) in association with the muscle fibres in red. The muscle is stained with an antibody which provides the red colour and also shows the striated pattern of the contractile filaments (sarcomers) of the muscle.
  • Mercifulness : Hudson's Extract of Soap is merciful to the clothes; it only removes the dirt, grease, and stains, leaving the linen behind- spotlessly white, wholesome and pure : Hudson's Soap.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. This image was taken greater than 150 micrometres beneath the junction that joins the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin (dermo-epidermal junction). At this level, dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue) form clusters around blood vessels (stained for CD31; red). This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). Scale bar (white) represents 100 micrometres.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. This image was taken directly beneath the junction that joins the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin (dermo-epidermal junction). At this level, the capillary network (stained for CD31; red) is visualised against a lawn of autofluorescent dermal papillae (finger-like projections of the dermis; green) scattered with dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue). This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. This image was taken less than 20 micrometres beneath the junction that joins the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin (dermo-epidermal junction). At this level, dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) form clusters around and between blood capillary loops (stained for CD31; red). The blind-ended tips of initial lymphatic vessels are just visible (stained for LYVE-1; blue) at this level. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Neurons derived from human neural stem cells. The green staining highlights the typical appearance of differentiated nerve cells. Cells such as these could form the basis of future treatments for degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
  • Papanicolaou stained smear of a clival chordoma, microscopy. Chordomas are cancers formed of cells which resemble those of the notochord (spine) of a developing foetus. Although they can present anywhere within the spine and skull, the majority grow in the sacral region of the spine, corresponding to the lower back. This image shows a Papanicolaou (Pap) stained smear obtained from a needle biopsy of a chordoma in the clivus, a part of the cranium at the base of the skull.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels (string-like structures). A network of lymphatic vessels (ribbon-like structures) is also present. In this image, human skin lymphatic vessels (stained for LYVE-1; blue) and white blood cells comprised of dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) and T cells (stained for CD3; red) can be seen. Some macrophages also express the protein LYVE-1 similar to lymphatic vessel cells which can be appreciated as blue cells within and in between the sheaths of white blood cells. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Papanicolaou stained smear of a C2 vertebral chordomal mass, microscopy. Chordomas are cancers formed of cells which resemble those of the notochord (spine) of a developing foetus. Although they can present anywhere within the spine and skull, the majority grow in the sacral region of the spine, corresponding to the lower back. This image shows a Papanicolaou (pap) stained smear obtained from a needle biopsy of a chordoma of the C2 vertebrae, located at the top of the neck just underneath the base of the skull.
  • Human chromosomes in metaphase. The chromatin is stained red and the "glue" that holds the two chromatids together is highlighted in yellow. This glue is a proteinaceous complex called cohesin. Once all the chromosomes are attached to the spindle, the cohesin complex breaks down, allowing the two chromatids to separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.
  • For ink-spots, iron-moulds, stains, &c. the true essential salt of lemons ... / William Bayley.