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59 results
  • Adelaide, South Australia: Adelaide Hospital. Photograph, 18--.
  • Adelaide, South Australia: Victoria Square. Albumen print by S.W. Sweet.
  • Adelaide, South Australia: King William Street. Albumen print by S.W. Sweet.
  • The word 'lubricate' quivers as if under water; advertisement for safe sex and water-based lubricants by the A.C.S.A. (AIDS Council of South Australia) and the South Australian Health Commission. Colour lithograph by TK.
  • Lunacy in many lands : being an introduction to the reports on the lunatic asylums of various countries, visited in 1882-5 / by G.A. Tucker, and presented by him to the government of New South Wales, Australia.
  • Lunacy in many lands : being an introduction to the reports on the lunatic asylums of various countries, visited in 1882-5 / by G.A. Tucker, and presented by him to the government of New South Wales, Australia.
  • A man leans against a desk by a window representing a man who is HIV positive with information on information about HIV and HIV testing by the AIDS Council of New South Wales, Victorian AIDS Council and Wellcome Australia Limited. Lithograph.
  • Two smiling women leaning on a hand rail representing women who want safe sex with a list of AIDS-related helplines for women in Australia; advertisement by The Women & AIDS Project of the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by Loonie Lane and Sandy Edwards.
  • Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. Mimosaceae. Australian Blackwood. Tree. Distribution: Eastern Australia. Tree. Invasive weed in South Africa, Portugal, California. Local uses: analgesic. Causes allergic contact dermatitis due to 2,6,dimethoxybenzoquinone. Pinnate leaves of young plant drop off and phylloclades are formed instead. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Plectranthus argentatus S.T.Blake Lamiaceae Silver spurflower. Herbaceous perennial. Distribution: Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. Little is known of its chemical constituents. It does contain many novel diterpenoids in its leaf glands (Alder, A.C. et al, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2004, 67(6): 1523 – 1530).This genus has had some species from the genus Coleus incorporated into it, and these form a separate clade on phylogenetic analysis. The species in the ‘Coleus’ clade have a higher incidence of medicinal usage, being used to treat digestive, skin, infective and respiratory problems. They contain monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, and diterpenoids. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Zantedeschia aethiopica (L)Spreng. Calla lily, Arum lily. Half hardy annual. Distribution: South Africa. The genus name commemorates Giovanni Zantedeschi (1773-1846) an Italian physician and botanist. Born in Molina he studied medicine in Verona and Padua. He corresponded with the German botanist, Kurt Sprengel, who named the genus Zantedeschia in his honour in 1826, separating it from Calla, where, as C. aethiopica, it had been previously described by Linnaeus. He had broad interests, including the effect of different parts of the spectrum of light on plant growth, reporting in 1843, that red, orange and yellow light are heliotropically inactive. The botanic museum in Molina is dedicated to his memory. Aethiopica, merely means 'African'. The leaves are used as a warm poultice for headaches in ‘muthi’ medicine. It has become an invasive weed in parts of Australia. It was introduced, as a greenhouse plant, to Europe in the mid-17th century, where the long lasting flowers are popular in flower arranging and for weddings and funerals – a curious combination (Oakeley, 2012). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A couple with square heads bearing the letters 'H', 'I', 'V', one with a positive sign, the other with a negative sign with the words 'yes' written across their bodies and numerous male names surrounding them; an advertisement for supporting those with HIV by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by David McDiarmid, 1992.
  • A man with a square head bearing the postive and negative signs of HIV places his hands on his backside with the words 'booze', 'grass', 'drugs', 'cocktails', 'ups' and 'downs' written across his body and surrounded by the words 'party' and 'bar'; a warning to gay men about the dangers of alcohol and drugs and AIDS by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by David McDiarmid, 1992.
  • Two men with square heads bearing the positive and minus signs of HIV perform anal sex with the words 'safe-love', 'safe-lust' and two joined hearts across their bodies; a reminder to gay men to practice safe sex by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by David McDiarmid, 1992.
  • A man with a square head bearing the HIV positive and negative sign sits holding his erect penis with the words 'Always' written across his body; advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by David McDiarmid, 1992.
  • A man sits with a woman on a bench looking out to sea while holding the hand of a man sitting on the end; an advertisement for The Women Partners of Bisexual Men Project with the telephone lines of the AIDS Council of NSW, AIDS Hotline and Family Planning Association. Colour lithograph, [1994].
  • A man in shorts and safety helmet holds several balloons bearing the slogan 'Sydney Safe Sex Zone'; a message for the gay male community from the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • Two men caress in a shower with the words 'HIV positive or negative' representing an advertisment for safe sex by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • Two men kissing with the words 'HIV positive or negative' representing an advertisment for safe sex by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • A naked man lies on a bed with two further smaller photographs of two men having anal sex representing a warning about the dangers of HIV infection to the gay male community from the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • Three middle-aged women sit chatting at table in a cafe representing an advertisement for safe sex for women by The Women & AIDS Project of the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by Loonie Lane and Sandy Edwards.
  • A woman wearing dungarees and another wearing a spotted top stand smiling in a street representing an advertisement for safe sex for women by The Women & AIDS Project of the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by Loonie Lane and Sandy Edwards.
  • A group of women and their babies in a kitchen representing an advertisement for safe sex for women by The Women & AIDS Project of the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by Loonie Lane and Sandy Edwards.
  • 'Hermoine, The Modern Girl' explains the simplicity of condoms to a male friend; an advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by Kaz Cooke.
  • Words relating to sex litter the page between swirling patterns; representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Education Unit. Colour lithograph by Paull McKee.
  • A man in a pink t-shirt injects a needle into the arm of another man who squints in pain with five illustrated steps for the sterilisation and safe disposal of needles; advertisment by the ACON, The AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by Jamie Dunbar.
  • A man playing a violin wearing a hat in the form of the Sydney Opera House with a warning about HIV from the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • Two gay men kissing with a snake entwined around them and a warning about HIV from the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • Two men and two women holding telephones advertising the National Network of HIV/AIDS telephone counselling information and referral services, CAWISE, Australia. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • An unlikely drug user, a middle-aged man in a shirt and tie aims a syringe at another man against a backdrop of a building bearing a flag representing a message about HIV by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.