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50 results
  • The Crucifixion. Mezzotint by John Martin after himself, 1834.
  • Saint Giles. Colour lithograph by C. Schultz after H. Memling, 1878.
  • Saint Blaise. Colour lithograph by C. Schultz after H. Memling.
  • Saint Jerome. Colour lithograph by C. Schultz after H. Memling, 1878.
  • Saint Blaise. Colour lithograph by C. Schultz after H. Memlinc.
  • Saint Veronica. Colour lithograph by C. Schultz, 1865, after H. Memling, 1479.
  • Saint John the Baptist. Colour lithograph by C. Schultz after H. Memling.
  • Saint Gereon with his warriors. Chromolithograph by C. Schultz, 1874, after S. Lochner.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) in glory with Saint Gregory and Saint Benedict. Chromolithograph by C. Schultz, 1880, after Fattorini after B. Betti, il Pintoricchio.
  • The child Samuel tells the priest Eli of the fate God has in store for him. Engraving by H. Moses, 1829, after J.S. Copley.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people writhe on the ground, besieged by fiery serpents. Etching by G. Cooke, 1816, after C. le Brun.
  • Elisha raises the Shunamite's son. Engraving by H. Moses, 1814, after B. West, ca. 1766.
  • Saint John the Baptist. Etching by G. Cooke, 1816, after G. Reni.
  • A rat nibbling on corn outside a farmyard. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A partridge sitting in a meadow. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • Two tapirs roaming the woods. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • Two shepherd's dogs standing on a hill. Wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A rhinoceros standing on the shore of a lake. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A raven standing on a mountain overlooking a castle and a river. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A swan on a lake. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A roebuck standing in a forest clearing. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A white bear (Polar bear) standing on an ice floe. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A wolf running towards a forest in stormy weather. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • Two walrusses lying on a shore in a polar landscape. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A llama standing on a rock. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A wild boar being hunted by a huntsman and two dogs. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A cormorant standing on a rock above the stormy sea. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A starling sitting on a stone in front of a church. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A jerboa leaping out of its burrow in the ground. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.
  • A Cape buffalo standing in shallow water. Coloured wood engraving by J. W. Whimper.