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107 results
  • Section of the dorsal (?) rib cage showing multiply fractured ribs. Watercolour in grisaille by S. A. Sewell, ca. 1918.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Mesmeric therapy. Oil painting by a French (?) painter, 1778/1784.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • Sequah on Clapham Common. Oil painting, ca. 1890.
  • A male écorché figure, of whom only the right side of his body has been flayed. He holds the removed skin of his right side in his right hand and pulls back the skin of his left abdomen with his left hand. Engraving by G. Bonasone, 155-.
  • A male écorché figure, of whom only the right side of his body has been flayed. He holds the removed skin of his right side in his right hand and pulls back the skin of his left abdomen with his left hand. Engraving by G. Bonasone, 155-.
  • Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen. Oil painting by Ernest Board, 1912.
  • Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen. Oil painting by Ernest Board, 1912.
  • Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen. Oil painting by Ernest Board, 1912.
  • Seventeen different pieces of sealed, precious medicinal earth known as 'terra sigillata'. Pen drawing.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.