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169 results
  • A skull resting on sheet music. Line engraving with etching by J.F. Mutilana.
  • A man points to a sheet of music as he and four others sing. Etching attributed to J. de Saint-Igny, ca. 1630.
  • A man is sitting on a stage playing a keyboard instrument; a sheet of music and words is hanging from a line above his head. Etching, 16--.
  • Four women representing the arts of abundance, music, poetry and painting with a boy displaying a sheet of paper to them. Etching by A. Scacciati after A.D. Gabbiani.
  • Four musicians at a performance: the violinist points with his bow at the sheet music as another man plays the theorbo, and a guitar is placed on the table. Etching.
  • A young woman plays music as a man sings from a sheet, another woman listens and a child carries a glass on a tray. Engraving by A.H. Payne after Caspar Netscher.
  • A woman is holding a basket with money in it and sheets of music on her arm. Coloured lithograph.
  • A man plays on a musical instrument as others sit around at tables with glasses and pitchers on them, an old woman is reading from a sheet of paper. Mezzotint by N. Pether after David Teniers.
  • A private concert at night: people around a table are playing music, embracing and singing. Engraving after J. Leclerc.
  • The Christ Child, in the believer's heart, beats the time from a songbook while angels accompany him with musical instruments. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • Two musicians play the violin and lute as a woman sings. Engraving after D. Maggiotto.
  • F. Archer, The Painkiller Polka
  • A man wearing spectacles is singing from the songbook he is holding as three others join in and a fourth man keeps his mouth shut. Etching attributed to J. de Saint-Igny, ca. 1630.
  • F. Archer, The Painkiller Polka
  • A man wearing spectacles and a feathered hat is singing from the songsheet he is holding: two men join in, while two others listen. Etching attributed to J. de Saint-Igny, ca. 1630.
  • A man playing the lute accompanying a man singing from a song sheet. Etching by F. Bartolozzi after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • A choir of six grotesque people singing from a songbook open on a shelf. Etching attributed to J. de Saint-Igny, ca. 1630.
  • A group of children holding song books and singing. Process print after Marie Seymour Lucas.
  • The true Tom Thumb quadrilles / composed by the smallest musician in the world.
  • The true Tom Thumb quadrilles / composed by the smallest musician in the world.
  • W. Taylor, Steam Pills
  • A woman holding a songbook (left) and a man holding a glass (right) are singing to the accompaniment of a man playing the violin. Etching  after A. van Ostade.
  • J. Blewitt, Perfect Song of the Cure
  • W. Meyerlutz, The Quack's Song
  • Pilula Rhubarbus, Morison's Pill
  • E. Sabine, The Borax Pet
  • Six scenes narrating the fate of a cork leg, the invention of a Dutch artist. Etching by Joe Lisle.
  • A choir of men and boys rehearsing a performance of an oratorio. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1736.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares on stage with the aid of an assistant who is extracting a tooth from a man from the audience. Process print.
  • The crutch polka / by Paul Favart.