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19 results
  • A warning in Italian green lettering about seeking advice about drug addiction with a warning not to start taking drugs; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A winged woman with a skull as her head, standing in a man's pelvis, holding in one hand a bow and in the other a man's severed head. Soft ground etching by Félicien Rops.
  • An orange background bearing the white message "Your doctor has a duty of confidentiality. And you have freedom of speech on AIDS, sexuality and drug problems"; an advertisement by the FMH / BAG in association with the Swiss Physicians and Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.
  • A warning in Italian brown lettering about drug problems and AIDS; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A warning in Italian purple lettering that 'Drugs exist. Talk about it'; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in German purple lettering that drug problems must not be ignored but dealt with; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A warning in German purple about drug problems, AIDS and youths; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in German that drug problems concern everyone; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in German blue lettering that drug problems must not be ignored but dealt with; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Sins and subsequent punishment in Hell. Chromolithograph.
  • A field of poppies and a white bra floating against a red sunset representing an advertisement for safe sex; Italian version of a series of Stop AIDS campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health , in collaboration with the Aiuto AIDS Svizzero. Colour lithograph.
  • A drug-user with his wife and children explaining how his love for his family motivates him to use a condom; a safe-sex advertisement to prevent AIDS by the NACO in collaboration with WHO. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Two flowers and a heart representing love and life with the words "Liebes Leben"; advertising an exhibition about AIDS in Leipzig. Colour lithograph by Studio Andreas Heller for the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, 1995.
  • The bases of three skulls: a new born infant's, a misogynist's, and a man suffering from satyriasis. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • A field of poppies and a white bra floating against a red sunset representing an advertisement for safe sex; German version of a series of 'Stop AIDS' campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health in collaboration with the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz. Colour lithograph.
  • A field of poppies and a white bra floating against a red sunset representing an advertisement for safe sex; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health , in collaboration with l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A style-conscious black man holds up a packet of condoms, with symbols (man and woman, condom, British standard kitemark, telephone handset) representing "smart" ways to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph by Photo Co-op, Glover/Hughes and Big-Active Ltd. for Mainliners, 1990/1995.
  • A black woman wearing glasses and a head scarf holds up a condom packet; advertisment about the dangers of drugs, sex and AIDS by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Lithograph by Warwick May, 1991.
  • The head of a woman cannabis user against a backdrop of doodles; representing the safety of cannabis as not transmitting the cause of AIDS; an advertisement for safe sex by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Peder Iblher.