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28 results
  • Studies in the psychology of sex. Vol. 1, Sexual inversion / by Havelock Ellis and John Addington Symonds / by Havelock Ellis.
  • Studies in the psychology of sex. Vol. 1, Sexual inversion / by Havelock Ellis and John Addington Symonds / by Havelock Ellis.
  • Studies in the psychology of sex. Vol. I, The evolution of modesty : The phenomena of sexual periodicity / by Havelock Ellis.
  • My arse, my rules! : Most gay men enjoy getting fucked. Getting fucked doesn't mean that you have no control or reponsibility. Express yourself / GMFA, MetroM8, London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership.
  • I like to take control : most gay men enjoy getting fucked. Getting fucked doesn't mean that you have no control or reponsibility. Express yourself / GMFA, MetroM8, London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership.
  • Fill this! : Most gay men enjoy getting fucked. Getting fucked doesn't mean that you have no control or reponsibility. Express yourself / GMFA, MetroM8, London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership.
  • Tell me what you want what you really really want / GMFA ; photograph by Louisa Parry.
  • Tell me what you want what you really really want / GMFA ; photograph by Louisa Parry.
  • Cupid presides over a group of naked women who sit separated from groups of yearning men; symbolising the passion of love. Etching by J. Audran after C. Gillot.
  • Cupid presides over a group of naked women who sit separated from groups of yearning men; symbolising the passion of love. Etching by J. Audran after C. Gillot.
  • My tip for the top! : Most gay men enjoy getting fucked. Getting fucked doesn't mean that you have no control or reponsibility. Express yourself / GMFA, MetroM8, London Gay Men's HIV Prevention Partnership.
  • A lady buys some black garters to cheer up her sick husband. Wood engraving, c. 1900.
  • To the Middlesex Laboratory of Glandular Research Ltd., 21 Farringdon Avenue, London, E.C.4.... : order form.
  • A female brain, sectioned vertically: side view. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • A male brain, sectioned vertically. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • The bases of three skulls: a new born infant's, a misogynist's, and a man suffering from satyriasis. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • A crouching male figure with the words 'oppression' curving around his back and a another male figure raising his arms in the air with words 'liberation' representing an advertisement for Freedom, a safe-sex celebration dance party in aid of AIDS/HIV at The Old 'Star' Building, Christchurch in association with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation. Lithograph.
  • Two footballers tumbling on top of each other on the pitch with the message about the risk of HIV in the heat of the moment; one of a series of three advertisements for safer sex by the Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Etienne and Etienne.
  • The negative impression of 3 profile male faces in red and black with a message about the need to fight against AIDS and risky behaviour; an advertisement by the Independent Anti-AIDS Committee in Valladolid. Colour lithograph.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • Life force : taking positive action : HIV positive people can help themselves stay healthy / text by Jane Elven ; layout by Amy Adams Ellerman.
  • A footballer pulling the shorts down of another player on the pitch with the message about the risk of HIV in the heat of the moment; one of a series of three advertisements for safer sex by the Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Etienne and Etienne.
  • A footballer grabs the genitals of another player on the pitch with the message about the risk of HIV in the heat of the moment; one of a series of three advertisements for safer sex by the Swiss AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph by Etienne and Etienne.
  • Basil Valentine contemplates a chemical jar containing homunculi of a man and woman holding hands, and a child emanating from them (alchemical symbol of conception); he is suddenly visited by Sabine Stuart de Chevalier, who reveals that she has the key to his works and crowns him as the king of alchemists. Etching by J. Le Roy, ca. 1781, after Hostoul after Sabine Stuart de Chevalier.