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17 results
  • Alexander Ogilvie Beattie. Stipple engraving by J. Cochran after G. Sayer.
  • Two women sit at a table drinking tea and gossiping, so taken up with what they are saying that the tea is accidently poured on the cat. Aquatint by G. Hunt after M. Egerton.
  • King George III sits in his library pondering which advice to accept: to govern by law or by force. Engraving, 1771.
  • Mandala with the eight-handed Uṣṇīṣavijayā as a Buddhist deity of long life. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • A wine-grower squirts sulphur on his crop. Pen and ink drawing by G. Ri.
  • Joseph Nollekens arranges a bust of William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville, between busts of William Pitt the younger and Charles James Fox, in a display of sculptures. Etching by J. Sayers, 1808.
  • A shoe-seller who has one foot and goes himself unshod. Mezzotint by J. Gole after G.M. Mitelli.
  • Exhibition '100 Years of medical Photography', 1955.
  • A young English woman returning from Paris with her French governesss is not recognized by her uncle, aunt and sister owing to her French speech and clothes. Etching by George Cruikshank after EHL.
  • Opening ceremony for a new operating theatre at the London Hospital. Drawing by G.K. Jones, 1892.
  • Saint Camillus de Lellis praying before an altar. Engraving by G. Petroschi.
  • Those who named the plants: Adam, Solomon, Theophrastus, and Dioscorides. Oil paintings.
  • Mary Toft (Tofts) appearing to give birth to rabbits in the presence of several surgeons and man-midwives sent from London to examine her. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1726.
  • Mary Toft (Tofts) appearing to give birth to rabbits in the presence of several surgeons and man-midwives sent from London to examine her. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1726.
  • Young women in the Ukraine teasing a boy who is pockmarked and blinded in one eye by smallpox. Colour lithograph by Sudimora, ca. 1929.
  • Young women in the Ukraine teasing a boy who is pockmarked and blinded in one eye by smallpox. Colour lithograph by Sudimora, ca. 1929.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Lithograph after Bernhardinus Milnet.