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173 results
  • Saint Paul shipwrecked on Malta. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1791, after B. West.
  • Saint Paul shipwrecked on Malta. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1791, after B. West.
  • Saint Paul landing on Malta (Acts. 27-28). Etching by F. Bartolozzi after B. West, 1791.
  • Royal Hospital, Greenwich, with the statue of George II in the courtyard. Engraving by J. Caldwall after W. Fabian.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, with ships and rowing boats in the foreground. Engraving after T. Bowles, 1753.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, the river front vista, with the Queens' House and Royal Observatory in the distance: many people walking about. Engraving by J. Newton after T. Lancey.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, the river front vista, with the Queens' House and Royal Observatory in the distance: many people walking about. Engraving by J. Newton after T. Lancey.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, with ships and rowing boats in the foreground. Engraving by W. Sharpe after W. and F. J. Havell.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich: with the statue of King George II in place. Engraving.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, with many people walking beside the river, and much shipping on it. Engraving by J. Collins.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, with ships and rowing boats in the foreground. Engraving by T. Bowles, 1753.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, the gate piers and porters' lodges: plans and elevations, with a scale of feet. Engraving by J. Basire after himself, 1752.
  • Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into Greenwich Hospital : with the minutes of evidence and appendix.
  • An essay on the diseases incident to Indian seamen, or Lascars, on long voyages / By William Hunter.
  • Royal Hospital, Greenwich, seen from the west, with fishermen, nets drying, and large blocks of stone. Engraving by J. Henshall after J. Holland.
  • Royal Hospital, Greenwich, with the statue of George II in the courtyard. Engraving by B. Cole.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. Etching by B. Cole.
  • Sir Edward Bate. Lithograph by R. S. E. Gallon.
  • Sir Edward Bate. Lithograph by R. S. E. Gallon.
  • Everyday life at Greenwich Hospital: Pensioners smoking in the "Chalk walk". Wood engraving by M. Jackson, 1865.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, a three-quarter view of the Hall and Chapel looking east, with people in the foreground. Coloured lithograph by W.B. Barker.
  • The gates of Greenwich Hospital, flanked by a sailor holding a Union Flag, and a Pensioner on crutches: naval paraphernalia at the base of the print. Wood engraving by [W.H.P.].
  • Colin Milne, with a view of Greenwich Hospital. Stipple engraving by Holl, 1804, after J. Russell, and by Newton.
  • Colin Milne, with a view of Greenwich Hospital. Stipple engraving by Holl, 1804, after J. Russell, and by Newton.
  • Colin Milne, with a view of Greenwich Hospital. Stipple engraving by Holl, 1804, after J. Russell, and by Newton.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. Engraving by H. Hulsbergh after C. Campbell, 1715.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. Engraving, c. 1708, by J. B. Bruhl.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich. Engraving, 1699.
  • Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, with fishermen and mudlarks in the foreground, viewed from a pier. Engraving by J. Hinchliff, 1829, after W. Bartlett, 1828.
  • A Greenwich Pensioner with a wooden leg, standing in a landscape, the domes of Greenwich Hospital behind. Coloured aquatint, 1813.