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33 results
  • Five legless men moving with the aid of crutches in a yard. Etching by F.D. Hillemacher after P. Bruegel, 1871.
  • A one-legged beggar with two crutches. Gouache possibly after J. Callot.
  • Two old men in conversation: the man on the left holding a basket has a wooden leg, the other one leans with both hands on a stick. Watercolour by S.G. (?).
  • A man dressed in rags with a wooden leg-stump begging with his outstretched left hand while holding a stick with his right hand. Coloured etching.
  • A one-legged man in rags moving with the aid of crutches is accompanied by a child with a bandaged arm. Gouache on vellum.
  • A man with a wooden leg pours water into the bowl of a begging woman with two children. Coloured aquatint, 1803, after a painter from Thanjavur.
  • A beggar, probably with two amputated legs, leans on two wooden crutches. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1816.
  • An amputated leg in a tourniquet supported by a piece of wood that covers the end of the stump. Engraving by J. Beugo.
  • A man with a wooden leg collecting brushwood in a wicker basket slung over his shoulder. Pen and wash drawing.
  • Two sailors with amputated legs, an eyepatch and an amputated arm moving with the aid of crutches. Etching by S.B., 1783.
  • A gentleman giving alms to two lame beggars by leaning over an inscribed banner. Etching by Jan Georg van der Vliet, 1632.
  • A legless man sitting on a wooden cart, presumably begging for alms, is surrounded by two dogs. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1816.
  • An old man on crutches with a wooden leg. Etching by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • A man in ragged clothing with a wooden leg and a stick is holding out his hand for alms. Etching by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • A man in ragged clothing with a wooden leg and a stick is holding out his hand for alms. Etching by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • A one-legged man is knocked down by a horse-drawn cart that crushes his wooden leg under its wheels. Coloured etching.
  • A man in ragged clothes walking with two crutches and a wooden leg. Etching by Jan Georg van der Vliet, c. 1632.
  • A pregnant woman leading a donkey on which a discharged veteran, who has lost both his legs, is sitting carrying one of their children in a bucket. Etching with engraving by J. Caldwell after J. Collet, 1775.
  • A beggar wearing a placard around his neck checks the contents of his collecting tin while a beggar with two amputated feet moves past with the aid of two crutches and stumps. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1816.
  • An archer whose left leg is hooked into a wooden stump is pursued by a horse. Watercolour by Terzi after a watercolour after a mosaic.
  • A man with a wooden leg sings while he is accompanied by a blind man playing the flute and a dog performing on its hind legs. Pen and ink drawing.
  • A one-legged hurdy gurdy player dressed in rags with his companion, an old woman dressed in rags reading from a song sheet. Engraving with etching by J. Matham after Adriaen Pietersz van de Venne.
  • Enoch and his family praying before taking a frugal meal outside a farm building while a woman gives alms to poor and lame people who approach the farm. Engraving by J. Sadeler after M. de Vos.
  • A queen or empress administering a healing balm to a person with leprosy (?). Photograph of a wallpainting in the chapel in Eton College.
  • A one-legged beggar and former soldier approaches a wealthy clergyman for alms. Etching with engraving by John Collier, 1770.
  • A one-legged beggar and former soldier approaches a wealthy clergyman for alms. Etching with engraving by John Collier, 1770.
  • A surgeon dressing the stump of a patient's recently amputated leg. Engraving, 1738.
  • Crimean War: wounded sailors convalescing at Haslar Hospital. Wood engraving by H. Linton after E. Morin after J. Mayall.
  • An old beggar with a wooden leg moves with the aid of two crutches and holds his hat in his left hand. Etching by J.T. Smith, 1816.
  • Indian Rebellion: wounded soldiers convalescing at Dagshai, India. Tinted lithograph by T. Picken, 1859, after G.F. Atkinson.