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26 results
  • Two huntsmen in a clearing are surrounded by gypsies who read their palms as a decoy for stealing their belongings. Etching by J. Gillray, 1804, after B. North.
  • Trinity School, Reading: with a floor plan. Wood engraving by Laing after B. Sly after J. Billing.
  • Henry Morton Stanley and David Livingstone in central Africa, reading British newspapers. Process print after Pearson after J.B. Zwecker.
  • The family of Jean Calas sit listening to Alexandre Lavaysse reading a letter from Calas. Engraving by J.B. Delafosse after L.C. De Carmontelle.
  • The family of Jean Calas sit listening to Alexandre Lavaysse reading a letter from Calas after his execution. Engraving by J.B. Delafosse, 1765, after L.C. De Carmontelle.
  • A fortune-teller reading the palm of a young woman accompanied by a young man wearing oriental clothes. Etching by I.-S. Helman, 1785, after J.-B. Le Prince.
  • Unknown boy with injury to skull
  • Boy whose parents were massacred at Garden City, 1865
  • An early cardiograph used by J.B.A. Chauveau. Photograph.
  • A group of people standing around a man having an epileptic fit. Etching by J. Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • A group of people standing around a man having an epileptic fit. Etching by J. Duplessi-Bertaux.
  • Three exact pieces of Leonard Phioravant viz. His rationall secrets, and chirurgery, reviewed and revived / Together with a book of excellent experiments and secrets, collected out of the practises of severall expert men in both faculties [by John Hester] Whereunto is annexed Paracelsus his one hundred and fourteen experiments: with certain excellent works of B.G. [Penotus] à Portu Aquitano [i.e. B.G. Penot] Also Isaac Hollandus his Secrets concerning his vegetall and animall work. With Quercetanus [i.e. J. Duchesne] his Spagyrick antidotary for gun-shot.
  • 16th self-portrait.
  • 16th self-portrait.
  • The jousting match at the Hôtel des Tournelles in Paris in 1559, in which Henri II of France loses his life. Etching by J. Perrissin, ca. 1570.
  • Île aux Bœufs, Loire: negotiations for the Pacification of Amboise in 1563 between the Queen Mother (regent for Charles IX), and the Huguenots, showing her receiving deputies at her tent. Etching attributed to J. Perrissin, ca. 1570.
  • Executions of Huguenots after the Huguenot conspiracy of Amboise in 1560: some conspirators are hung by the neck from a tower, others are beheaded. Woodcut by J. Perrissin, ca. 1570.
  • The massacre of Huguenots at Tours: men and women are shot by soldiers, slaughtered with swords or clubbed to death in the water by townsfolk. Woodcut by J. Perrissin, ca. 1570.
  • The massacre of Huguenots at Tours: men and women are shot by soldiers, slaughtered with swords or clubbed to death in the water by townsfolk. Woodcut by J. Perrissin, ca. 1570.
  • Adenochoiradelogia, or, An anatomick-chirurgical treatise of glandules & strumaes, or Kings-Evil-swellings : Together with the royal gift of healing, or cure thereof by contact or imposition of hands, performed for above 640 years by our Kings of England, continued with their admirable effects, and miraculous events; and concluded with many wonderful examples of cures by their sacred touch / All which are succinctly described by John Browne.
  • Adenochoiradelogia, or, An anatomick-chirurgical treatise of glandules & strumaes, or Kings-Evil-swellings : Together with the royal gift of healing, or cure thereof by contact or imposition of hands, performed for above 640 years by our Kings of England, continued with their admirable effects, and miraculous events; and concluded with many wonderful examples of cures by their sacred touch / All which are succinctly described by John Browne.
  • William Gordon. Photograph by Heath & Bradnee Ltd.
  • The god Mercury, with Venus in the background, tries to teach Cupid to read. Engraving by R. Gaillard, 1744, after Van-Loo le pere.
  • The god Mercury, with Venus in the background, tries to teach Cupid to read. Engraving by R. Gaillard, 1744, after Van-Loo le pere.
  • A clothed woman carrying a chair and magazine puts the chair down, sits on it and starts to read. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • The family of Jean Calas sit listening to Alexandre Lavaysse reading a letter from Calas after his execution. Engraving by Peter Gleich after L.C. de Carmontelle.