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17 results
  • Rabies and hydrophobia : their history, nature, causes, symptoms, and prevention / by George Fleming.
  • Rabies and hydrophobia : their history, nature, causes, symptoms, and prevention / by George Fleming.
  • Rabies and hydrophobia : their history, nature, causes, symptoms, and prevention / by George Fleming.
  • Rabies: check for stowaway animals to prevent the introduction of rabies into the British Isles. Colour lithograph, 1978.
  • Rabies : rabies is a killer disease! : there is an increasing risk of it entering Britain as a result of animal smuggling : your job could bring you close to the source of such smuggling. Please help to keep rabies out of Britain : bringing it in is madness / MAFF.
  • Rabies : rabies is a killer disease! : there is an increasing risk of it entering Britain as a result of animal smuggling : your job could bring you close to the source of such smuggling. Please help to keep rabies out of Britain : bringing it in is madness / MAFF.
  • Diseases of animals acts : rabies : London, Middlesex, and district (muzzling and control of dogs) order of 1919... / I.T. Williams.
  • Diseases of animals acts : rabies : London, Middlesex, and district (muzzling and control of dogs) order of 1919... / I.T. Williams.
  • Avis sur les moyens pratiques avec succes pour secourir : 1. les personnes noyés; 2. celles qui ont été suffoqués par des vapeurs méphitiques, telles que celles du charbon, du vin, des mines, &c.; 3. les enfans qui paroissent morts en naissant, & qu'il est facile d'appeler à la vie; 4. les personnes qui ont été mordues par des animaux enragés; 5. celles qui ont été empoisonnés ... / extrait des mémoires de M. Portal, médecin consultant de Monsieur de l'Académie royale des Sciences.
  • El mejor amigo del pueblo : ó coleccion de consejos de los hombres mas sábios para curar á los enfermos y socorrer á los envenenados.
  • Carbolic acid... / Hirst, Brooke, & Tomlinson.
  • The tomb of Louis Pasteur at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. Halftone, 1923.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.