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154 results
  • Public vaccination van, Shanghai
  • [Poster, probably about smallpox and vaccination] / Shanghai Municipal Council Public Health Department.
  • Vaccination once every three years protects against smallpox : Are you protected? Free vaccination will be done at the Municipal Branch Health Office as follows ... / Shanghai Municipal Council Public Health Department.
  • Vaccination once every three years protects against smallpox : Are you protected? Free vaccination will be done at the Municipal Branch Health Office as follows ... / Shanghai Municipal Council Public Health Department.
  • Smallpox : Vaccination and re-vaccination are necessary for prevention : Infants should be vaccinated as soon as possible after birth : consult your doctor now : indigent persons will be vaccinated free of charge by the Public Health Department.
  • Smallpox : Vaccination and re-vaccination are necessary for prevention : Infants should be vaccinated as soon as possible after birth : consult your doctor now : indigent persons will be vaccinated free of charge by the Public Health Department.
  • Vaccination, washing hands, exclusive breastfeeting and prompt treatment for respiratory illness: protecting children from pneumonia in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, ca. 2008.
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician riding a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession that scares children; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician with a lancet riding on a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession, scaring children as they go; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • A diseased woman turning into a mermaid, a physician with a lancet riding on a cow and an apothecary wielding a syringe form a grotesque procession, scaring children as they go; referring to the distrust of the French public in the face of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • A child receiving a vaccine for polio in his mouth: polio prevention in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, 2009.
  • A child receiving a vaccine for polio in his mouth: polio prevention in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, 2009.
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • Cow-pock inoculation : The following facts are laid before the public for the encouragement of those, who entertain any doubt respecting the efficacy and success of vaccine inoculation ... / [John Theodore Archibald Reed].
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • A treatise on the cow-pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation, and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject. In Great Britain, and other parts of the world / by John Ring.
  • Avis : le public est prévenu que l'Hospice Central de l'Inoculation de la Vaccine est ouvert à tous les pères et mères qui voudront y faire admettre leurs enfans / Les membres du Comité, Thouret, Président; Leroux, Guillotin, Pinel, Parfait, Delaroche, Salmade, Doussin-Dubreuil, Jadelot, Lasteyrie, Marin, Mongenot, et Husson, secrétaire.
  • The Smallpox and Vaccination Hospital, Highgate, Middlesex. Line engraving by C. Simms after S.W. Daukes, 1848.
  • A travelling procession of health officials who ironically praise the coming of vaccination. Etching.
  • A procession of health officials ironically proclaiming the coming of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • Seven members of the French committee on vaccination rail at Tapp, a health officer who resists the new discovery. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Seven members of the French committee on vaccination rail against Tapp, who resists the new discovery. Line engraving, c. 1800.
  • Routine immunization schedule for infants in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, 2001.
  • History and pathology of vaccination / by Edgar M. Crookshank.
  • A mother smiles at her daughter with her husband and son in the background: advert for the male condom in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Femiplan, ca. 2000.
  • Edward Jenner vaccinating patients in the Smallpox and Inoculation Hospital at St. Pancras: the patients develop features of cows. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1802.