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21 results
  • A Jewish man selling oranges outside the Royal Exchange in London; a Jewish man in a top hat and coat displaying a bond for £50,000 that he has acquired; representing the advancement of Jews from street-selling to high finance. Wood engraving, 18--.
  • Two black men are given a lunch of roast beef by a white farmer, then they attempt to rob him, but he catches them, beats them, and sends them on their way. Coloured wood engravings.
  • Many people are riding on and crowding around a large horse-drawn carriage. Wood engraving by M. Jackson, 1862, after A. Hunt.
  • A patient anonymised by hospital life. Colour giclée print by Emily Brown, 2004.
  • A patient anonymised by hospital life. Colour giclée print by Emily Brown, 2004.
  • An episode in Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens: a crowd gathers around Mr Mantalini who has attempted to poison himself. Etching after Phiz (Hablot K. Browne).
  • Images that demonstrate that AIDS is not spread through social contact. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Your den.
  • Your den.
  • Your den.
  • Your den.
  • A woman patient at a spa is told by her doctor that the treatment for her fertility might be helped by the presence of a 'diverting friend' - i.e. him. Lithograph by M. Stephane, c. 1896.
  • Lazarus prays as his sores are licked by dogs; Dives feasts on his balcony. Woodcut.
  • Lazarus prays as his sores are licked by dogs; Dives feasts on his balcony. Engraving.
  • Christ healing a man of leprosy. Woodcut, 1571, after Jost Amman.
  • Christ healing a man of leprosy. Woodcut, 1571, after Jost Amman.
  • Ten people with leprosy (with warning clappers) approach Christ the healer. Etching.
  • Men of opposing social classes in a game of boules; illustrating the faculty of weight and resistance in phrenology. Steel engraving by A. Portier, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
  • In a crowded salon, a wigmaker fits wigs according to occupation; representing the character stereotyping of Gall's phrenology. Coloured etching by J.E. Marcus after J. Smies, c. 1810.
  • Lazarus's sores are licked by dogs as Dives feasts. Process print, 1931, after J. Lamsveld.
  • Using Virtual Reality to treat paranoia