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31 results
  • Nepal; street of dentists, Kathmandu 1986. In 1982, there were 17 government-trained dental surgeons in Nepal, some of whom practised in this street. For those too fearful or who could not afford to visit one of these surgeries, a nearby shrine was dedicated to Vaisha Dev, the god of toothache. Surrounding the god was a plank of wood into which thousands of nails had been driven. Planting a nail was believed to get rid of toothache by pinning down all evil spirits and influences.
  • The prophet Elias fed by a raven; representing providence. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • Mary and Joseph ride to Egypt with the infant Jesus. Engraving by H. Wierix..
  • Dublin Castle. Process print, 1904.
  • Dublin Castle. Process print, 1904.
  • A red and pink ribbon against a rainbow of colours and a quotation from Mother Jones to pray for the dead and fight for the living; with an advertisement by the Syracuse Cultural Workers. Colour lithograph by Amy E. Bartell, 1995.
  • Ceres, at night, drinking from a flask provided by an old woman, while her young son mocks. Etching by W. Hollar, 1646, after A. Elsheimer.
  • Ceres, at night, drinking from a flask provided by an old woman, while her young son mocks. Etching by W. Hollar, 1646, after A. Elsheimer.
  • An illustrated information sheet showing things you should know about AIDS; an advertisement by the Population and Community Development Assocation (PDA) in Thailand. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • The month June and the sign of Cancer, represented by a large agricultural estate being profitably maintained and managed, and by Christ telling the parable of the Rich Fool. Engraving by A. Collaert after H. Bol, 1585.
  • Two hands wrap around each other to form the shape of the AIDS red ribbon against a grainy backdrop of the world within a circle inscribed with the slogan 'Shared rights. Shared responsibility'; an advertisement by the Kenya National AIDS/STD Control Programme, part of the Kenya Ministry of Health. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A man and wife with their two children representing a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the NGO AIDS Consortium with PATH in Kenya. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • The angel announces to the Virgin that she will give birth to Christ. Watercolour.
  • A group of young people sitting under a tree being taught the 'Facts about AIDS' by a man sitting in a chair with thatched mud houses beyond; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the NGO AIDS Consortium with PATH in Kenya. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • The Annunciation to the Virgin, who kneels at a prie-dieu. Engraving by P. Pontius after C. Schut.
  • A woman (Leang Yen?) with a large tumour on her right hand, reclining and concealing her face. Gouache, 18--, after Lam Qua, ca. 1838.
  • Aesculapius pays tribute to Edward Jenner for introducing vaccination. Etching by J. Gerstner after I.J. Weidlich, 1801.
  • A dying man surrounded by fantastic and mythological figures. Coloured etching.
  • A dying man surrounded by fantastic and mythological figures. Coloured etching.
  • A man puts his arm around a woman with a speech bubble above them containing a condom; a safe-sex advertisement by the NGO AIDS Consortium with PATH in Kenya. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • People in Bangalore, India, suffering from starvation. Wood engraving, 1877.
  • Ashanti War, Ghana, 1873: a British soldier resting beneath a mosquito net in a tropical landscape. Wood engraving, 1873.
  • Ashanti War, Ghana, 1873: a British soldier resting beneath a mosquito net in a tropical landscape. Wood engraving, 1873.
  • Takow harbour (Takao, Kaohsiung), Formosa [Taiwan]. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Takow harbour (Takao, Kaohsiung), Formosa [Taiwan]. Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Birkenhead's angel of mercy sends X'mas greetings to her friends in Birkenhead and Wirral and appeals again for Birkenhead General Hospital.
  • Ferris wheel, 1890's, Egypt
  • Medicine man : I'll take care of you.
  • Astronomy: observatories set up in the Nicobar Islands to photograph a solar eclipse, April 1875. Wood engraving, 1875.
  • A triumphant American slave woman representing quassia (ingredient in acoholic drinks) is carried aloft by two brewers; representing the outcry against a tax on private brewing (?). Etching by J. Gillray, 1806.