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256 results
  • Medical extracts: on the nature of health, with practical observations: and the laws of the nervous and fibrous systems / By a friend to improvements [R.J. Thornton].
  • Medical extracts: on the nature of health, with practical observations: and the laws of the nervous and fibrous systems / By a friend to improvements [R.J. Thornton].
  • The family magazine: in two parts. Part I. Containing useful directions in all the branches of house-keeping and cookery ... Part II. Containing a compendious body of physick.
  • Domestic medicine; or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines ; With an appendix containing a dispensatory. For the use of private practitioners / by William Buchan.
  • Domestic medicine; or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines ; With an appendix containing a dispensatory. For the use of private practitioners / by William Buchan.
  • Chemistry no mystery; or, a lecturer's bequest. Being the subject-matter of a course of lectures, delivered by an old philosopher, and taken in short-hand by one of the audience, whose name is not known / Arranged from the original manuscript, and revised, by John Scoffern.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • The surprising monsters : being the wonderful works of the divine judgement on a wicked proud young woman who for her game and despising of others was made herself an example of, for instead of three children at one birth, she had three of the most horrid objects that ever mortal eye beheld; and such that the oldest person living never before saw the like.
  • Actors pose as "The Wrestlers" at the London Pavilion. Photographic postcard, 193-.
  • Actors pose as "The Wrestlers" at the London Pavilion. Photographic postcard, 193-.
  • A dying fisherman lying in bed is being consoled by Queen Victoria, seated by his side. Engraving by W.H. Simmons after G. Steell, ca. 1865.
  • A dying fisherman lying in bed is being consoled by Queen Victoria, seated by his side. Engraving by W.H. Simmons after G. Steell, ca. 1865.
  • A dying fisherman lying in bed is being consoled by Queen Victoria, seated by his side. Engraving by W.H. Simmons after G. Steell, ca. 1865.
  • A dying fisherman lying in bed is being consoled by Queen Victoria, seated by his side. Engraving by W.H. Simmons after G. Steell, ca. 1865.
  • A dying fisherman lying in bed is being consoled by Queen Victoria, seated by his side. Engraving by W.H. Simmons after G. Steell, ca. 1865.
  • Four African men competing in a walking race.
  • Four African men competing in a walking race.
  • "Zazo, half woman, half man", at a freak show, being approached by a gay man. Colour process print, ca. 1953.
  • "Zazo, half woman, half man", at a freak show, being approached by a gay man. Colour process print, ca. 1953.
  • An athletic man poses in dark briefs. Process print, 195-.
  • An athletic man poses in dark briefs. Process print, 195-.
  • Laurence Woodford, seen in profile, holding a bow and arrow. Photographic postcard, 1928.
  • Laurence Woodford, seen in profile, holding a bow and arrow. Photographic postcard, 1928.
  • Maud Temple, a bearded woman at Pickard's Waxwork exhibition, Glasgow. Process print, ca. 1910.
  • A man dressed as half bride, half groom. Colour process print after D. Gariboldi, 1986.
  • A man dressed as half bride, half groom. Colour process print after D. Gariboldi, 1986.
  • Maud Temple, a bearded woman at Pickard's Waxwork exhibition, Glasgow. Process print, ca. 1910.
  • A strongman poses next to his weights surrounded by a crowd. Photograph, 19--.