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8 results
  • Report of the Third International Conference 1906 on Genetics : hybridisation (the cross-breeding of genera or species), the cross-breeding of varieties, and general plant-breeding / edited by W. Wilks.
  • Report of the Third International Conference 1906 on Genetics : hybridisation (the cross-breeding of genera or species), the cross-breeding of varieties, and general plant-breeding / edited by W. Wilks.
  • Transgenic tobacco plants in laboratory
  • The American Genetic Association.
  • Autumn crocus or meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale): flowers, leaves and sectioned corm. Coloured zincograph, c. 1853, after M. Burnett.
  • Helianthus annuus Greene Asteraceae. Sunflower, Marigold of Peru, Floure of the Sun. Distribution: Peru and Mexico. It was much recommended by Gerard (1633) who advises that the buds, covered in flour, boiled, and eaten with 'butter, vinegar and pepper, far surpass artichokes in procuring bodily lust’. Sadly, today only the seeds of sunflower are consumed, as the source of sunflower seed oil used in cooking. It contains mono and polyunsaturated fats, linoleic acid and oleic acid, and is low in saturated fats. As such it was thought to lower cholesterol and so the risk of heart disease, but it may increase the risk of breast and prostatic cancer. However a recent report BMJ2013
  • Rodrigues Fruit Bats
  • Ming herbal (painting): The dog